Economy Section :: Page 59
Spend a night in an historic grain mill
Back in 2004, the Miami Township Trustees envisioned the ideal way to save the historic but decrepit Grinnell Mill. They hoped to restore it to its original design and use it as a bed and breakfast that could serve locals as well as attract visitors from afar. The vision wasn’t far off.
Affordable Housing Expert Promotes Land Trust Model
John Emmeus Davis of the Champlain Housing Trust in Burlington, Vermont met with a group of community members Monday morning to promote community land trusts as a way to acheive affordable housing in Yellow Springs.
CSAs for good food, local focus
Both Smaller Footprint Farm and Heartbeat Community Farm have thrived since going into business in 2006 by growing vegetables directly for their members using a model called Community Supported Agriculture, or CSA for short.
A 10-day taste of Yellow Springs
A brave group of people, under the guidance of the Yellow Springs Arts Council, are designing a 10-day cultural tasting event this summer called the Yellow Springs Experience to celebrate core strengths of the Village and gauge their ability to generate revenue for the town.
Affordability leader in YS
The Home, Inc. community land trust organization — which creates affordable housing by having homeowners pay only for the house, with the land staying in a community trust — along with the Yellow Springs Village Council, hopes to jumpstart a conversation on affordable housing.
Passive House is an active goal
Andrew Kline is already the youngest builder in Yellow Springs. But the 29-year-old general contractor also wants to be the greenest. With his newly formed company, Green Generation Building, and the construction of his first energy-efficient home nearing completion, Kline is well on his way to establishing himself as a green builder. If Kline and […]
Low-income senior housing builder presents to Council
At their May 17 meeting, members of Village Council heard a presentation on low-income senior housing from Lynn Dalton, president of the Franklin Foundation of Columbus. The nonprofit group has built 14 senior communities in Ohio, and is interested in partnering with the Village or local nonprofits to build one in Yellow Springs.
Herbs, healing at new store
Glenda Prado had always been skeptical of shamanic healing practices. As a child growing up in Ecuador, she had watched her mother and grandmother use plants and herbs for medicinal and spiritual purposes, yet she refused to adhere to their vocation. “I didn’t believe it,” Prado said. “I thought it was foolish — my mother working with shamanic herbs.”
TimeBank is timely in economy
Daily life in Yellow Springs is filled with people buying and selling at downtown businesses, while behind the scenes an informal network of exchange looms large throughout the community. A villager gives an elderly woman a ride to the doctor’s office. Another helps her neighbor weed his garden.
Anthrotech opens doors
About 40 people attended the Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce After Hours open house held Thursday, April 15, at the Anthrotech’s temporary training quarters at the Creative Memories location on Dayton Street.
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