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Economy Section :: Page 57

  • A chicken farm to save the planet

    When local resident Kat Krehbiel hatched the idea for a local food farm, chickens were only a small part of the plan.

  • Affordability is top concern in attracting new families

    Creating more entry-level housing, keeping living expenses affordable and more aggressively marketing Yellow Springs to the region — these were some of the ideas offered at a recent meeting that focused on how to attract more young families to the village.

  • Scott welcomes village’s young-old

    In a town with a growing demographic of healthy retired people with skills to offer, the Yellow Springs Senior Center has an important role to play, according to the center’s new executive director, David Scott. During his first day on the job last week, Scott talked about his idea to broaden the center’s membership…

  • Eden World offers escape, serenity

    Visitors and residents alike can walk right off the street into an oasis of health and rejuvenation at Eden World Center for Wellness and Discovery at 253 Xenia Avenue. The roster of practitioners, who serve both scheduled and walk-in clients, includes a licensed massage therapist, a reflexologist and two astrologers.

  • CBE could be ready in 2012

    Good fits for the new Center for Business and Education, or CBE, could be light manufacturers that make parts for wind turbines, or agricultural businesses that cater to people’s growing interest in local food

  • Center for Business and Education moves ahead

    At a public gathering on Weds., Aug. 11, Community Resources board members gave an update on the Center for Business and Education.

  • Rolling Pen Book and Cafe to serve up inspiring titles, cobbler

    Brenda Stone Browder, a Springfield native and author, opened her new bookstore, The Rolling Pen Book Cafe at 111 Corry Street. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    The Rolling Pen Book Cafe, now open in the former home of Dolbeer’s Cleaners, is a place to relax, read a book and enjoy a cup of coffee with some homemade cobbler.

  • Heat a cool job for Southtown

    Helping villagers stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter is the aim of a new business in town, Southtown Heating and Cooling. From its new office in Yellow Springs, the 22-year-old Greater Dayton company will install and service heating and cooling equipment as well as do plumbing, electrical work and building maintenance for residential and commercial customers.

  • Eden World a place for creativity, relaxation

    Jennifer Horner relaxes in the lobby of her business Eden World, a walk-in wellness space on Xenia Avenue. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Visitors and residents alike can walk right-off-the-street into an oasis of health and rejuvenation at Eden World Center for Wellness and Discovery at 253 Xenia Avenue.

  • Southtown Heating and Cooling to open branch in town

    The new branch of Southtown Heating and Cooling will be located in Yellow Springs on Cliff Street. The company is pursing more green technologies like solar and geothermal. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Dayton company Southtown Heating and Cooling is opening a new branch in Yellow Springs.

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