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Feature Photos Section :: Page 38

  • Solid rhythm

    Shown above, from left, are local musician John Booth, his son Malik and Brian Maughan around “Play It,” a bronze casting by Maugham designed to portray the Booth family drummers and evoke other dynamic elements of life in Yellow Springs. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Three bronze pieces created at the 2013 Bronze Sculpture Symposium by local sculptor Brian Maughan were unveiled during last Friday’s Art Stroll.

  • Antioch College class of 2016: over ‘the mound’ and into the world

    Newly minted graduates Jasmine Lindquist, Sylvia Newman and Ozrich Sable cross the mound in their own dramatic way. Clement weather allowed for holding the commencement ceremony outside. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    The weather was perfect, if a little warm, for the 50 members of Antioch College’s Class of 2016 to celebrate their commencement with friends, family and each other Saturday, June 18.

  • Yellow Springs Street Fair: Blue notes, blue skies

    Musician Tumust Allison from Dayton played a powerful sax during last Saturday’s Street Fair. (Photo by Aaron Zaremsky)

    Temperatures on Saturday hit 93 degrees, but the music was even hotter than the weather.

  • Cast of three

    Sculptor Brian Maughan will speak about his sculptures, shown above, which are titled “Twist again!” “Play it!” and “Fireasana.” (Submitted photo)

    An unveiling of sculptures by local sculptor Brian Maughan will take place this Friday, June 17, at the beginning of Art Stroll.

  • YSHS seniors honored

    Eighteen students were inducted into the YSHS National Honor Society on May 11. Pictured, left to right, are Gabe Trillana, Augie Knemeyer, Landon Rhoads, Hannah Morrison, Jordan White, Olivia Brintlinger-Conn, Julian Roberts, Isaiah Slepicka (behind), Charlotte Walkey, Elizabeth Smith, Duard Headley (behind), Callie Smith, Ziven Siler (behind), Holly Weir, Danny Grote (behind), Danielle Horton, Annabel Welsh and Sam Green. (Submitted Photo)

    At the annual Yellow Springs High School award ceremony on May 17, seniors, along with a few juniors, were honored for their academic achievements with the presentation of scholarships and awards.

  • Exhibiting ingenuity

    Seventh-grader Sam Lewis tackled the task of cooking an egg in as many complicated steps as possible via a self-designed Rube Goldberg contraption Friday, May 13. To wit, the egg drop seemed to be one domino short of success. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    Seventh-grader Sam Lewis tackled the task of cooking an egg in as many complicated steps as possible via a self-designed Rube Goldberg contraption Friday, May 13.

  • Yearly grind

    A “cold asphalt planer,” operated by John Morris of Jurgensen Construction, stripped away the top layer of asphalt to prepare the surface for new blacktop. The machines were at once sophisticated high-tech and awesome claw-bearing behemoths. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Kieth’s Alley got a much-needed resurfacing this week during the village’s annual paving of local streets.

  • Spokespersons

    “Opening Day for Trails” drew crowds of cyclists and walkers last Saturday, the bluest of a blue string of spring days. Brian Housh, right, Midwest policy manager for Rails-to-Trails, staffed the information table in front of the Yellow Springs train station, where cyclists stopped for trail brochures, maps, faux “tattoos,” t-shirts and more. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    “Opening Day for Trails” drew crowds of cyclists and walkers last Saturday, April 16.

  • Into the fold

    About a dozen villagers learned to make origami cranes, frogs and more last Saturday night at the Yellow Springs Arts Council, among them, from left, Fern Opotow, Areya Harker and Lara Bauer. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    About a dozen villagers learned to make origami cranes, frogs and more last Saturday night at the Yellow Springs Arts Council.

  • Mindful environs

    The VIDA commission recognized the Dharma Center, located on the corner of Davis and Livermore streets, because the building and surrounding gardens “create a subtle yet compelling visual effect and atmosphere. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    The Yellow Springs Dharma Center is the spring 2016 recipient of VIDA, or the Village Inspiration and Design Award, which is awarded quarterly by the Yellow Springs Art and Culture Commission.

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