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Feature Photos Section :: Page 39

  • Egg scramble

    About 60 children took part in last Saturday’s annual Easter egg hunt at the Gaunt Park hill. It was a perfect spring day as kids sprinted up the hill, searching for goodies in the grass. (Photos by Diane Chiddister)

    About 60 children took part in last Saturday’s annual Easter egg hunt at the Gaunt Park hill, sponsored by the Central Chapel AME Church.

  • Catastrophe at the Library

    Quincy crashed the party recently at the Yellow Springs Library when the library’s monthly Reading to the Dogs event took place. Shown above, Jaden Thomas showed Quincy some love even though Quincy appears to be the wrong species. (Photo by Aaron Zaremsky)

    Quincy the cat crashed the party recently at the Yellow Springs Library.

  • Mills Lawn students plan for a bench

    Mr. Knostman’s fourth-grade class at Mills Lawn School is working on a project to improve the Glen Forest cemetery by adding a memory bench. Students here are shown mapping the project. (Submitted Photo)

    Fourth-graders in Brian Knostman’s class at Mills Lawn Elementary are leading a project to make Glen Forest Cemetery more comfortable for mourners visiting loved ones and friends.

  • Sticky business at Flying Mouse Farms

    John DeWine of Flying Mouse Farms is busy these days boiling down hundreds of gallons of sap from some 650 taps of the farm’s maple trees to make maple syrup. (Photo by Aaron Zaremsky)

    John DeWine is busy these days boiling down hundreds of gallons of maple sap to make Flying Mouse Farms’ maple syrup.

  • Gimme…

    Sophomore James Browning, #24, snagged one of his six rebounds against Dayton Christian on Jan. 29. (photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    Sophomore James Browning, #24, snagged one of his six rebounds against Dayton Christian on Jan. 29

  • Banner day at Mills Lawn School

    Mills Lawn School third graders proudly presented banners they’d woven from recycled materials to Principal Matt Housh. (Submitted photo courtesy of Mills Lawn School)

    Mills Lawn School third graders proudly presented banners they’d woven from recycled materials.

  • Local artists show abstracts at Winds

    Abstracts by local artists Martin Borchers will be on display in a collaborative show, “Artifacts of Vacuity,” at The Winds Cafe that opens Jan. 15. (photos by Aaron Zaremsky)

    Collaboration was inevitable. Two talented painters who verged on similar styles in a town that bubbles with creative juices would no doubt cross swords either in peace or conflict one of these days, and that is what Martin Borchers and Zane Reichert have done.

  • Banner day

    Mills Lawn third graders and Principal Matt Housh (Submitted photo by Mills Lawn School)

    Mills Lawn School third graders proudly presented banners they’d woven from recycled materials to Principal Matt Housh for the beautification of their school’s front entrance.

  • Glen Helen’s first real snowfall of the year

    Hanging around, chillin’: A late morning journey out into winter’s finest finds the cascades in Glen Helen bejeweled with icicles underneath the limestone cliff overhangs. The water still roared in the background, diffused by snow squalls, casting an almost timeless, prehistoric atmosphere over the entire scene. (Photos by Robert Hasek)

    The landscape of the Glen takes on fantastic forms in the Village’s first real snowfall.

  • Sliding into home

    Unhindered by the snowless sledding hills, Mikey Trelawny-Cassity makes his own fun in Gaunt Park on the baseball diamond, which had retained a very enjoyable amount of snow.

    Unhindered by the snowless sledding hills, Mikey Trelawny-Cassity makes his own fun in Gaunt Park on the baseball diamond, which had retained a very enjoyable amount of snow.

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