Feature Photos Section :: Page 41
Hot mud
Friday evening, Nov. 6, members of John Bryan Community Pottery fired up their wood kiln for the fourth time this year.
“Glen Helen Forever”
Community members and staff from Glen Helen, Tecumseh Land Trust, the Trust for Public Land and Antioch College celebrated the permanent preservation of all 1,000 acres of the Glen on Sunday, Nov. 8.
PBL (piggy-based learning)
Mills Lawn Halloween parade
Daylight Saving Time ends this weekend
As trees around the village shed their foliage and the days begin to shorten, another marker of autumn is upon us this weekend: the end of Daylight Saving Time.
Brick break
The master builders are working on garbage trucks, trash compactors, sorting systems and even a sewer system for their waste-wise project.
Pipe cleaners
Last week the Village-contracted GM Pipeline crew severed the roadway between Xenia Avenue and Allen Street to replace a 20-foot section of water main with a 12-inch pipe (using GM-contracted local police officers to direct traffic down to one lane).
Homecoming crowns
The Yellow Springs High School 2015 Homecoming Court was crowned on Thursday, Oct. 1, between the girls and boys soccer games.
110 by 110
The second annual Yellow Springs 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb at Antioch College was held this past Saturday morning in historic Antioch Hall.
Just for kicks
Copper Cup, for preschool to kindergarten ages, plays weekly “pick up” games every Saturday at 10:30 a.m.
Food or flute?
Two “Meet the Wyld Man!” shows take place Wednesday, Oct. 7, at 12:30 and 7 p.m. at the Antioch College Amphitheatre.
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