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From The Print Last Week Section :: Page 111

  • Wheeling Gaunt sculpture unveiled in downtown Yellow Springs

    Standing over six-feet tall and glinting with a deep bronze exterior, a lifesize statue of 19th-century Yellow Springs resident, philanthropist and formerly enslaved man Wheeling Gaunt, was unveiled on Saturday, Oct. 2, to joyous celebration and fanfare.

  • New bookmobile revs into action

    Back in August, booklovers from around the county gathered at the Fairborn Community Library to help dedicate the Greene County Public Library system’s latest asset: its brand new bookmobile.

  • 2021 Election: Hollister and Pallotta contend for Miami Township Trustee seats

    Four Miami Township residents are looking for votes to fill two Township seats in the upcoming November election. Here, the News featured profiles of two of the four candidates, Don Hollister and Dino Pallotta.

  • 2021 Election: Swinger and Moir contend for Miami Township Trustee seats

    Four Miami Township residents are looking for votes to fill two Township seats in the upcoming November election. Here, the News featured profiles of two of the three nonincumbent candidates, Denise Swinger and Marilan Moir.

  • Family finds refuge in village from Hurricane Ida

    Newly returned to town after an extended stay in Louisiana, Yellow Springs resident Khara Scott-Bey wants to challenge the community to extend its hospitality to Patrick Bowman Sr. and his family, who left New Orleans after Hurricane Ida made landfall on Sunday, Aug. 29.

  • COVID-19 Update — October 7, 2021

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    The Ohio Department of Health, or ODH, on Saturday, Sept. 25, updated its guidance for COVID-19 vaccination booster shots.

  • Zoning OKs four new Chappelle shows

    In a 3–2 vote Thursday, Sept. 23, the Miami Township Board of Zoning Appeals granted a temporary use variance allowing locally based comedian Dave Chappelle to present four new ticketed shows at the Wirrig family’s pavilion just north of Yellow Springs.

  • Yellow Springs Dog Park to open soon

    Canines, rejoice! The Yellow Springs Dog Park announced this week that it will be “open for play” beginning Saturday, Oct. 9.

  • Continued coverage— New president takes the helm at Antioch College

    On the job since mid-August, Jane Fernandes is the college’s second female president since its founding in 1850 and its third president since reopening in 2011 after a three-year closure.

  • Local artist plants early reading seeds with ‘One Tomato’ illustrations

    With a large pair of orange garden gloves gently tending a tomato seedling, the book “One Tomato” begins. The colorful counting board book, released this summer by Rubber Ducky Press, was illustrated by villager and 2016 YSHS graduate Anna Mullin, and is aimed at ages 2 to 4.

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