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From The Print Last Week Section :: Page 154

  • Village Council declares state of emergency

    At its April 20 virtual meeting, Village Council unanimously passed a resolution declaring a state of emergency in Yellow Springs due to the coronavirus crisis.

  • Students adapt to remote learning

    Interacting with teachers and classmates mostly through websites and online programs, distance learning provides an alternative to in-person classes.

  • Primary Election 2020 — Unofficial results in; jail tax fails

    Unofficial elections results are in for Ohio’s unprecedented mail-in primary.

  • Villager dies of COVID-19

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    Village resident Matthew Huntington has died from COVID-19. Huntington, 50, died Saturday, April 18, at Soin Medical Center in Beavercreek, where he battled the disease for more than two weeks.

  • Sankofa Talk — Fighting ’til the last day

    Bomani Moyenda speaks about organizing with the activist group Greene County Citizens Against Giant Jail Tax ahead of the 2020 primary.

  • COVID-19 news— When, and how, will Ohio open?

    The full plan will be released over the coming weeks, state officials said.

  • Amid pandemic, art is a gift

    The News recently spoke with several local artists about how they were adapting and responding to life amid the pandemic.

  • Unemployment woes in village

    Villagers reported varying levels of difficulty with the unemployment application process, with the process working more smoothly for some than others.

  • 50 years on: Earth Day in Yellow Springs

    The News has invited some of our own prominent local environmentalists to reflect on the 50-year anniversary of Earth Day.

  • Village Council meetings go virtual

    Three people were personally present in Council chambers on Monday, April 6, for Yellow Springs Village Council’s first full meeting since in-person gatherings were limited during the coronavirus pandemic.

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