
From The Print Section :: Page 234

  • Taming a wild horse Funderburg’s latest challenge

    Local horse trainer Laura Funderburg is shown here with Queso, a formerly wild horse from Virginia that Funderburg is training on her family’s farm on Hyde Road. Funderburg is one of 14 trainers nationwide taking part in the Appalacian Trainer Face Off, a competition for horse trainers that highlights the plight of wild horses. (Photo by Kayla Graham)

    Funderburg has been training horses for 15 years, and it is evident that the learning is a two-way street. Horses are very straightforward, she said; they are what they are: the animal becomes a mirror.

  • Council eyes creating a CIC

    At Village Council’s June 18 meeting, Council revisited a previous discussion on the potential benefits and costs of creating a designated community improvement corporation, or CIC.

  • Bats blaze in Majors, Minors

    The Tom’s Market Pirates lost their first game of the season in last week’s play and saw their lead over the Nipper’s Corner Reds fall to just half a game.

  • The true beauty of T-ball

    It was a bit of a homecoming night at Perry League last Friday. We had the remarkable Gama-Lobo clan — Morgan, 9, Marina, 7, and Mayaan, 3 — visiting, vacationing, coming about 8,000 miles from South Africa.

  • Ernest Russell Heston

    Ernest Russell Heston died on Saturday, June 30, 2018, at 7:40 a.m. He was 91 years old.

  • Village police — Meister discipline sparks protest

    About 25 villagers took part Saturday in a protest against the proposed disciplinary actions against Cpl. Dave Meister of the Yellow Springs police department. The group carried posters in support of Meister through downtown. (Photo by Morgan Beard)

    The proposed demotion and additional discipline of a popular local police officer has sparked concern in Yellow Springs, including a protest last weekend.

  • Move to Approve the Finance Director’s 2019 Tax Budget for the Village of Yellow Springs

    Village of Yellow Springs

  • And they’re off!

    Shown above "crossing the mound” following the event were graduates Ellie Burck, Odette Chavez-Mayo and Michelle Fujii. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Forty-four Antioch College students graduated last Saturday at the college commencement.

  • The downs and ups of T-ball

    Tommy Moore is a T-ball champion — and home run hitter. He’s strong, he bats well, and is thoughtful and considerate.

  • Braves lead in Major League

    Despite winning only one game last week and battling to a tie in another, the Tom’s Market Pirates still hold a two game lead in the Minor League standings.

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