
From The Print Section :: Page 388

  • Family ties

    More than 60 people attended the Yellow Springs Home, Inc. ribbon cutting celebration of the first home constructed as part of the Cemetery Street project, featuring the five person Wyant home buyer family — shown above are Erica and Caleb and their daughter, Rudy.

    More than 60 people attended the Yellow Springs Home, Inc. ribbon cutting celebration of the first home constructed as part of the Cemetery Street project.

  • Village Council— Village climate plan urged

    While Yellow Springs has taken a good first step by shifting to more renewable energy sources, there is much more Village government could do to help the village become a model in addressing climate change.

  • What’s in store?

    On Friday, April 24, Antioch School’s Younger Group opened their stores on the Bryan Center lawn, where they hawked small toys, clothes and snacks. Isaac Stiles (in the hood) and Jonah Summers sold strawberry-marshmallow-watermelon fruit kabobs at the store ‘Caveman Campfire Snacks’ to US Bank employees Tracy Schlenker and Dione Simon using Antioch School special money. (Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    On Friday, April 24, Antioch School’s Younger Group opened their stores on the Bryan Center lawn, where they hawked small toys, clothes and snacks.

  • Village using pesticide alternatives

    Jason Hamby, right, superintendent of streets, sewers and parks, looked on as his crew member Kent Harding recently tested a new, all-natural, vinegar-based spray to kill weeds without the use of synthetic chemicals at the public works headquarters at Sutton Farm. The Village is exploring alternative methods and products to conventional herbicides on public property this summer while a new pesticide policy is developed. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Warning signs pop up on local lawns each spring as local residents contract with companies to treat their lawns with chemical pesticides and fertilizers for the season.

  • School board— YSHS student liaison proposed

    Yellow Springs High School senior David Butcher proposed at the Yellow Springs School Board meeting last week that a member of the student body be appointed as a school board liaison.

  • Judy Mae Erwin-Cornick

    Judy Erwin Cornick

    Judy Mae Erwin-Cornick passed away on Tuesday, April 21, at Springfield Regional Medical Center.

  • Seitz organizes concert

    As a senior project, YSHS senior Josh Seitz, shown above tooting his clarinet, will host a recital featuring a handful of accomplished high school musicians performing Bach, Fuchs and Schubert on winds, strings and voice on Thursday, April 30, at 7 p.m. at the Yellow Springs Senior Center. (archive news photo by Matt Minde)

    Yellow Springs High School senior Joshua Seitz didn’t adore playing music when in fourth grade he started taking piano lessons, along with his father and older brother.

  • Root causes

    Every Arbor Day since 1982, the Yellow Springs Tree Committee has planted at least one tree on the Mills Lawn School grounds. This year the elementary yard got two new trees: a cucumber tree, which is a type of magnolia, and a scarlet oak. Above, Tree Committe member Bob Barcus and the new tree are surrounded by students from kindergarten to third grade, who earlier helped top off the tree’s topsoil. (Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    Every Arbor Day since 1982, the Yellow Springs Tree Committee has planted at least one tree on the Mills Lawn School grounds.

  • Side saddle Seniors

    Pictured here are, from left, Anna Williamson, Rachel Hammond, Connor Gravely-Novello and Jennifer Lawson, cleaning saddles at the Riding Centre. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    In lieu of a senior trip, the 2015 Yellow Springs High School senior class engaged in a day of service on Friday, April 17.

  • James Rigbie (Rig) Turner


    James Rigbie (Rig) Turner, 74, of Cape Coral, Fla., passed away on April 25.

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