
From The Print Section :: Page 514

  • Community focus of new Pot Shop leader

    When Allison Paul created a mosaic with schoolchildren for her final project as a fine arts major at Earlham College, she experienced firsthand the value of community-based art projects.

  • Barr property gets second offer

    A second purchase option for the Barr property arose over the summer after funding for its development with senior apartments fell through.

  • Drilling ban is approved

    At their meeting Monday, Aug. 20, Village Council took an initial step toward becoming the first municipality in Ohio to ban fracking and injection wells within its borders.

  • Clifton Gorge Music & Arts Festival— In with the old—and the new

    Organizers behind the new Clifton Gorge Music and Arts Festival are, from left, former mayor Steve McFarland, Clifton Council member and volunteer Skip Beehler and Clifton Mayor Alex Bieri. The festival takes place this weekend, Aug. 24–26. See event schedule on page 5. (Photo by Jeff Simons)

    Clifton is back on the map. The festival map, that is.

  • Village Council— Streetscape plan is curbed

    At their Aug. 20 meeting, Village Council members said no to a controversial and ambitious plan to change the downtown streetscape.

  • Chamber music fundraiser— Italy remixed, in music and in place

    The Italianate Glen House Inn will be the site of Una Festa Italiana, a fundraiser for Chamber Music Yellow Springs, on Sunday, Aug. 26, beginning at 4 p.m. The event features Italian food, wine and music by local ensemble James Johnston, Mary White, Franklin Cox and Barbara Leeds. (Submitted photo)

    This weekend, as a fundraiser for CMYS, a local string ensemble will perform an intimate concert of Baroque sonatas in the setting of an Italian villa that matches the scene of the music’s inception.

  • West Nile virus in Village

    Local mosquitoes tested positive last week for West Nile Virus, a potentially serious illness, prompting the Greene County Combined Health District to begin spraying insecticide in one village neighborhood.

  • Village Council— Revised code to allow flexibility

    The recent zoning code revision includes changes to allow more flexibility in the code that aligns with goals articulated during the 2010 community visioning project, according to a summary of the update presented to Village Council at Council’s Aug. 6 meeting.

  • Documentary ‘The Invisible War’— Sexual violence in military endemic

    In Iraq or Afghanistan today, an American female soldier has a greater chance of being raped than killed by enemy fire. According to estimates by the Department of Defense, in 2010 there were 19,000 violent sexual assaults against women in the military.

  • New villager Brian Housh—Bringing talents from Thailand

    Brian Housh, who moved to the village this year after 12 years in Thailand, works as the gallery marketing director for the Yellow Springs Arts Council. He’s shown here at the group’s new space on Corry Street. (Photo by Sehvilla Mann)

    When Brian Housh had lived in Yellow Springs for one month, he surprised a friend by handing him a business card. “You’ve only lived here a month — how can you already have a card?” the friend asked.

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