Government Section :: Page 102
CBE funds stable, for now
The Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) grant to the Village for the CBE infrastructure is not in immediate jeopardy, but there is some risk that the money could be diverted in an emergency.
Village moves fast on CBE funding
Village Council is poised to move forward quickly on the Center for Business and Education, or CBE, at its Jan. 6 meeting.
Jury rules force appropriate in Paul E. Schenck death
On Monday, Dec. 30, a Greene County Grand Jury found no indictments against the law enforcement officer who was identified as having shot and killed villager Paul E. Schenck.
Council ready to fund CBE
By a narrow margin, Village Council at its Dec. 16 meeting signalled its readiness to move ahead with providing almost $1 million to fund the Center for Business and Education, or CBE, infrastructure.
McKee Group holds forum— Villagers debate CBE funding
About 100 villagers turned out last Thursday evening to discuss whether the Village should fund the Center for Business and Education, or CBE. The community forum was sponsored by the James A. McKee Association and took place at the First Presbyterian Church, with Jalyn Roe serving as moderator. The evening began with three representatives of […]
Village in the dark on Friday the 13th
In an event befitting the much maligned date, most all of Yellow Springs experienced a black-out starting around 8 p.m. and lasting for about an hour and a half.
Village Council— First step toward CBE funding
At their Dec. 2 meeting, Village Council voted to get more information on funding options regarding the Center for Business and Education, or CBE, by approving two resolutions that open discussions with an underwriter and a bond counsel.
A mixed first year for Yellow Springs Police chief
With just about a year under his belt as Yellow Springs police chief, Anthony Pettiford has made some strides and suffered a few setbacks.
Village Council — Funding for CBE explored
At their Nov. 18 meeting, Village Council members agreed to begin exploring options for funding the infrastructure of the Center for Business and Education, or CBE.
Wintrow, Housh, MacQueen win Council
An exceptionally large slate of candidates led to an exceptionally close race in the election for Yellow Springs Village Council. Incumbent Karen Wintrow and newcomers Brian Housh and Marianne MacQueen all came within single digits of each other in the race.
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