Government Section :: Page 108
Candidates seek local office
With just under a month left for candidates to file for openings in the local elections in November, a handful of new candidates as well as incumbents have indicated interest in helping to govern Village Council, Yellow Springs school board and the Miami Township Trustees.
Lower your electric load this week
To help lower the Village’s electric bills in future, it will help if every one in the village lowers their load (turns off power as they are able) this week during certain times.
Blockade down on Limestone Street
The barricades that blocked off the 600 block of West Limestone Street for about an hour and a half this afternoon, Friday, July 13, have been removed, and police say the area is safe.
Subject of police search taken to hospital
At 12:40 p.m. Thursday, July 11, the Yellow Springs police apprehended Stefan Ritchie, 24, and transported him to Greene County Memorial Hospital.
Pool re-opens, controversy goes on
Village Council will decide at its July 1 meeting when to remove the fence around the grassy area where herbicide was over-applied.
Camp counselor could be charged for false statement
Charges could be pending against the camp counselor who made a false report about an armed man in the Glen last week.
Last week’s lockdown a hoax, police say
According to the Greene County Sheriff’s Department this afternoon, last week’s alleged gunman in the Glen incident was a fabricated story. No such person existed, sheriff’s say.
In Glen Helen, search winding down, no one found
About 20 officers from various jurisdictions combed through Glen Helen and John Bryan Park today in a search for a man alleged to be carrying a gun. However, the search was called off late this afternoon, and the man is believed to have left the area.
Pool closed 2 days after herbicide application— Spraying sparks controversy
Several villagers spoke passionately and heatedly about their frustrations and fears around the Wednesday, June 12, overuse of herbicides on the grass around the Gaunt Park pool at Village Council’s June 17 meeting.
Cemetery expands in Township
As the new stewards of the village’s most visible cemetery, the Miami Township Trustees began immediately preparing the property across the street on Xenia Avenue for more gravesites.
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