Government Section :: Page 124
Republican presidential primary results by precinct
Rick Santorum was the big winner in the village and township in the Super Tuesday presidential primary, garnering 150 votes compared to 104 votes for Mitt Romney.
‘Super Tuesday’ is March 6
Local voters will take to the polls Tuesday in the Ohio primary election to choose candidates who will face off in November.
CAP plans for video group
At its Feb. 21 meeting, Village Council heard the annual report of the Yellow Springs Community Access Panel, or CAP, the group that broadcasts meetings of Village commissions and panels on the local public access station.
Election results—Neuhardt wins primary
Yellow Springs residents did well in the election, with Sharen Neuhardt winning the Democratic Congressional primary race against five contenders, and Connie Crockett gaining a seat on the Democratic State Central Committee.
Cundiff off to new job in Sidney
Departing Village Manager Mark Cundiff reflected on the effect on Yellow Springs of his three-year tenure Friday, Feb. 17, his last day on the job.
Village Council— Barr restructuring plan OKd
At their Feb. 21 meeting, Village Council members unanimously passed two resolutions that authorize a restructuring of financial support for the proposed Home Inc./Buckeye Community Hope Foundation senior affordable housing project.
2011 busy for Village government
Yellow Springs Village government achieved a variety of accomplishments during 2011, according to Village Manager Mark Cundiff during his annual report at Council’s Feb. 6 meeting.
Public Meeting
Community Access Panel, Technical Review Committee, Council Meeting, Environmental Commission
Council Special Meetings
Tuesday, Feb. 21
Council okays search process
At their Feb. 6 meeting, Village Council members agreed to hire Don Vermillion of the University of Dayton as consultant for the Village manager search process.
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