Government Section :: Page 33
Looking ahead to local races
On Tuesday, Nov. 2, local voters will decide who will serve as Council members and mayor starting four-year terms on Jan. 1, 2022. Out of the five current Council members, three seats held by Laura Curliss, Kevin Stokes and Council President Brian Housh are in play.
Village Council Regular Meeting
Village Council Regular Meeting — March 1, 2021
Dead body found in John Bryan State Park
On Saturday, March 13, around 12:30 p.m., a dead body was reportedly found at John Bryan State Park. The skeletal remains were found just north of the Orton picnic area.
Village Council Regular Meeting
Village Council Regular Meeting — February 16, 2021
YS Development Corporation— Goals, behavior discussed
Members of the quasi-governmental economic development group spent the majority of their last regular meeting, Tuesday, Feb. 2, discussing the organization’s purposes and goals as well as expectations for the content of group discussions.
Village Council— A plan for the ‘Little Park’
Beatty Hughes Park, located between Kieth’s Alley and Corry Street, may someday host live music concerts, outdoor movies, family picnics and art exhibits.
Village Council— New rules aimed at civility
Council members are now more limited in what they can say. According to Council President Brian Housh, the goal of the new measures is to improve civility and respect in discourse.
Miami Township Trustees Update — January 2021
The Miami Township Trustees meet the first and third Monday of each month beginning at 5 p.m. Meetings in January took place Monday, Jan. 4, and Wednesday, Jan. 20.
Yellow Springs Development Corporation— ‘Lessons learned’ in firehouse sale
“Lessons learned” is how YSDC President Abel framed the conversation, particularly in terms of the group’s biggest project, the sale of the former firehouse on Corry Street.
Village Council— More inclusive, equitable Yellow Springs
At Village Council’s regular meeting on Monday, Jan. 19, members of Inclusive and Resilient Yellow Springs told the community how they plan to help Yellow Springs live its values of diversity and inclusion.
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