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Government Section :: Page 31

  • Miami Township Trustees— In-person meetings return

    Fifteen months after the pandemic lockdown began, and with it a transition to conducting Miami Township business through online video conference calls, the Township Trustees returned to in-person meetings Monday, June 21.

  • MacQueen off YSDC

    The June meeting of the Yellow Springs Development Corporation, or YSDC, began with the surprise announcement that Marianne MacQueen, one of Village Council’s two representatives on the semi-governmental group, was “stepping down effective immediately.”

  • Village Council — Weeds are out, ‘managed’ yards are in

    Villagers who are maintaining a natural landscape of native grasses and plants in their yard no longer have to comply with height limits on their plantings.However, those who simply “let their yards go” must pull the noxious weeds likely growing there and keep grasses to nine inches, or less.

  • Local elections— Two Miami Township Trustee seats in play

    Two out of three Miami Township Trustee seats — those currently held by Mark Crockett and Don Hollister — are in play in the upcoming elections this November.

  • Council reviews ethics rules

    Should the Village of Yellow Springs public officials and employees comply with the bare minimum ethics rules set by the State of Ohio, or hold themselves to a higher standard?

  • Village Council eyes street vending

    With most pandemic restrictions now lifted and summer in full swing, downtown Yellow Springs has been packed with visitors on recent weekends. But the influx of tourists has brought a problem: new street vendors and buskers setting up shop and clogging sidewalks.

  • DORA opponents air views

    Opponents of creating a designated outdoor refreshment area, or DORA, in Yellow Springs shared their thoughts at a Village of Yellow Springs town hall two weeks ago. The meeting was arranged as a way to elicit public feedback about the proposal. However, no citizen or local business owner spoke in favor of it.

  • Village Council— A local building department?

    Should the Village of Yellow Springs have its own local building department to review permits and inspect local projects? For Village Manager Josué Salmerón, the answer is yes.

  • Planning Commission— Home approved for classes

    A conditional use application submitted by Theodora Stephan to build a 4,000-square-foot single-family dwelling with a large commercial kitchen for culinary classes and special dinner events was approved by the Village Planning Commission at its May 11 meeting.

  • Yellow Springs mask mandate to expire

    Do you still have to wear a mask in Yellow Springs? What if you are vaccinated? What if you are outside? Village Council tackled the matter at its May 17 regular meeting. Council decided to keep the downtown mask mandate until it expires on June 2, when Ohio lifts its state of emergency.

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