Wagner Subaru

Government Section :: Page 92

  • Village road paving set

    The village’s Greene County Paving Contractor has started the milling process of various streets around town.

  • Council examines ‘busking’

    At their July 7 meeting, Village Council members continued an earlier discussion on how best to balance the needs of buskers and business owners in a way that doesn’t put a damper on what many villagers see as a source of downtown uniqueness.

  • Bates begins Village manager job

    Patti Bates was sworn in as the new Yellow Springs Village manager at Village Council’s July 7 meeting.

  • Village ends appeals process — Courts side with Struewings

    A panel of three Ohio appeals court judges last month sided unanimously with Ken and Betheen Struewing in their case against the Village over rights to Village water and sewer services.

  • Council gives first nod to CBE

    In its first vote on the Center for Business and Education since bringing the issue back to the table, Village Council on Monday night narrowly approved spending $1 million to fund CBE infrastructure. Karen Wintrow, Gerry Simms and Brian Housh voted to fund the CBE, while Marianne MacQueen and Lori Askeland voted against.

  • Council to vote on CBE

    What’s the best way for Village Council to proceed with deciding whether to spend $1 million to fund the Center for Business and Education infrastructure? After a hiatus of several months on the locally controversial issue, Council discussed CBE funding again at its June 2 meeting, with some Council members wanting to move ahead quickly and one urging a slowing down of the process.

  • More shifts at Village police

    Changes in personnel at the Yellow Springs Police Department are becoming the norm this year. Two more full-time officers either resigned or requested reduced hours last month, following the resignation of two full-time officers in February and March.

  • Patti Bates is hired as new Village manager

    Patti Bates, center, has been chosen as the new Yellow Springs Village manager, beginning on July 7. She is shown here during the reception following the May 22 candidate forum, with Rose Pelzl and Harvey Paige. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Patti Bates is excited to have been hired as the new Yellow Springs Village manager.

    “I’m really looking forward to coming to Yellow Springs, digging in and seeing what I can do to help out,” she said in an interview on Tuesday.

  • Village manager candidates come to Yellow Springs

    About 100 villagers attended last Thursday’s candidate forum at Bryan Center, where the three manager finalists answered questions formally to an audience, and then informally at a reception. Shown above at the reception are, clockwise from top left, candidate Bob Kellogg and Dawn Johnson; Rose Pelzl and candidate Patti Bates; and from left, Peggy Koebernick, Sandy Love, candidate Dave Elmer and Chrissy Cruz. Village Council will announce its decision at its June 2 meeting. (Photos by Diane Chiddister)

    The value of effective communication emerged as a theme during last Thursday evening’s community forum for the Village manager finalists.

  • SIDEBAR: Candidate Patti Bates rose to top

    While Village Council has not yet made an official decision regarding who will be the new Village manager, the people’s choice was Patti Bates, according to Council member Brian Housh on Tuesday.

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