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Higher Education Section :: Page 41

  • College board meets in village

    Antioch board meets in YS

    The board of the newly independent Antioch College held a three-day meeting in Yellow Springs, from Friday, May 21, to Sunday, May 23, at the Herndon Gallery of South Hall. Much of the meeting was in open session, while parts were closed to the public. The open sessions were streamed live. This was the board’s […]

  • Antioch College makes list of Top Nontraditional Colleges

    Even with no students, the newly revived Antioch College has found its way to the list of America’s Top Non-Traditional Colleges, published by the Huffington Post Web site on May 20.

  • Antioch University refocuses on adult education

    Under the leadership of Chancellor Toni Murdock, Antioch University spent the past year restructuring the administration of its satellite campuses and learning to function as "a university of one." (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    No longer limited to just the physical campuses, Antioch University is exploring how to increase capacity by making the strengths of each campus available to the university as a whole. Click on the headline to read the story.

  • AU refocusing on adult education

    Eight months after severing ties to the college that bred it, Antioch University is looking deeply at itself and clarifying its mission as a single system that serves adult students at multiple campuses around the country.

  • Villagers hear update on college

    In the fall of 2011, the newly revived Antioch College will start with a very small student body and work its way up to about 600 students, according to Interim President Matthew Derr. Consequently, the campus will have empty buildings that leaders hope will be used for collaborative efforts with other entities.

  • Antioch McGregor dean to give keynote

    Dr. Iris Weisman will take up her new post as vice chancellor for academic affairs at Antioch University on July 1.

    Iris Weisman, executive dean at Antioch University McGregor, will present the keynote address for Edison Community College’s 35th annual commencement on Friday, May 14.

  • Community celebrates Coretta Scott King

    A bust of Coretta Scott King was installed Tuesday evening at the Antioch College celebration honoring Mrs. King's birthday. Shown above are, from left, Antioch College Interim President Matthew Derr, Dana Patterson, former director of the center, and Christopher Smith, senior music major form Central State University.

    About 50 villagers and members of the Antioch College community attended a celebration of the birthday of Antioch alum Coretta Scott King Tuesday night at the Coretta Scott King Center for Cultural and Intellectual Freedom. The event included the installation of a bust of Mrs. King.

  • College leaders give update

    Antioch College leaders are inviting villagers to meet with them and hear an update on progress at the new college on Wednesday, April 21, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the First Presyterian Church.

  • Antioch College features Whitmore

    Saturday night’s opening reception of “Robert Whitmore: A Devoted Sense of Place” at the Antioch College Herndon Gallery. Shown are Kay Kendall with Sue Parker; in the background is Ali Thomas.

    Antioch College’s Herndon Gallery features a retrospective of Robert Whitmore’s oils and works on papers, with an emphasis on local landscapes.

  • Antioch Underground

    Drilling on the front lawn of the Antioch College to determine the feasibility of using geothermal heating

    On Friday, April 9, employees of Crabtree Drilling of Springfield and Eaton Drilling of West Liberty drilled 300 feet down on the front lawn of the Antioch College campus in a first step toward determining the feasibility of using geothermal heating on campus. (Click on the headline to read more)

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