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Multimedia Section :: Page 10

  • VIDEO – Mills Lawn teacher Ben Trumbull surprised with award

    Third/fourth grade teacher Ben Trumbull was surprised to receive a giant box of classroom supplies and a new leather chair. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Mills Lawn teacher Ben Trumbull received more than $1,000 worth of classroom supplies as part of “A Day Made Better,” a national program sponsored OfficeMax. See the video of the surprise award ceremony.

  • VIDEO – Local band Kuan wails

    Meet local band Kuan’s and listen to tracks from their latest album, Colors.

  • VIDEO – The Hoppers perform early rock classics

    Local cover band The Hoppers perform “Double Shot (of My Baby’s Love)” by the Swingin’ Medallions and “Peppermint Twist” by Joey Dee and the Starliters at the Underdog Cafe this past Friday night.

  • VIDEO – Raku firing at John Bryan Community Pottery

    On Sept. 14, Geno Luketic and Dianne Collinson of John Bryan Community Pottery in Yellow Springs, Ohio fired their pottery in the studio’s gas-fueled raku kiln.

  • Monday morning blues

    A montage from this year’s AACW Gospel, Blues, & Jazz Cultural Festival; video by Aaron Zaremsky, edited by Vanessa Query.

  • The burning of Rabbit Run farmhouse

    Rabbit Run Farm Burn Video Still

    After purchasing Rabbit Run Farm on Dayton Street, Vernay Laboratories razed its farmhouse, due to concerns over the safety of the vacant building. The controlled burn was used as a training operation for Miami Township Fire-Rescue and other local fire departments on August 7, 2010.

  • YSKP rehearses for ‘Oceans of Notions’

    YSKP rehearsed for the summer’s second production, Oceans of Notions (Lakes of Mistakes), with visiting director Lenard Petit this week at the Presbyterian Church.

  • YSKP show a dazzling desert display

    Cast members of the latest YSKP musical, "Conference of the Birds," practice with their puppet props during rehearsal last Thursday. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    While the Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse summer musical, “Conference of the Birds” doesn’t open until Thursday, July 8, the News got a sneak peak during rehearsal last Thursday. Watch an audio slideshow, featuring the sounds and stagings of cast members, below, and see next week’s print edition of the Yellow Springs News for a full article on the latest production in YSKP’s 16th season of youth theater.

  • Mayer and friends play for Presbyterian Church

    Musicians shared their talents at “A Summer Spectacular,” concert held at the Presbyterian Church on Saturday. A variety of instruments were showcased, including natural horn, trombone, piano, English horn and euphonium, in addition to the vocal skills of a soprano. Listen below for concert excerpts.

  • YSHS opens ‘Urinetown: The Musical’ this weekend

    The Yellow Springs High School/McKinney School present Urinetown: The Musical. Click on the title for showtimes and a link to an audio slideshow with stills from rehearsals and interviews with the actors.

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