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Multimedia Section :: Page 9

  • BLOG – Wordsmithery in action

    Wherein I pontificate about Monday night’s poetry reading, hosted by myself and my partner, Anthony, at the YSAC Gallery.

  • VIDEO: Mills Lawn presents Bollywood Jungle Book

    The Mills Lawn all-school musical Bollywood Jungle Book premieres Saturday, March 5, at 7 p.m. and again on Sunday, at 2 p.m. Both shows take place at the Paul Robeson Performing Arts Center at Central State University.

  • Acoustic Ecology Series continues

    The next installment in the monthly Acoustic Ecology Series at Glen Helen takes place tonight, 7-9 p.m., in Glen Helen Auditorium.

  • VIDEO: YS swimmers clinch district titles, eye state tournament

    Elizabeth Malone, swimming the breast stroke as part of the 200-yard individual medley, qualified for states in two events.

    Bulldog swimmers Erika Chick and Elizabeth Malone clinched district titles at the Division II Southwest Ohio District Tournament on Saturday. See a video of their peak performances and photos from the meet.

  • VIDEO: YS News wins 10 awards

    At the annual convention of the Ohio Newspaper Association the Yellow Springs News won awards in 10 categories, including for general excellence — the top prize among all weekly papers in its circulation category. See what the judges had to say about the News and read the winning stories.

  • Local sketch comedians perform “What?”

    The Artists Formerly Known As The Third Friday Players will present “‘What?’: An Exploration of Dreams, Reality and Numbers,” another meta-philosophic dramatic sketch comedy performance with the same superhero in it.

  • VIDEO – Dayton Mandolin Orchestra plays Garcia’s “Passages through Mexico”

    On Sunday, Nov. 7, at a joint concert with an orchestra from Kalamazoo, Mich., the Dayton Mandolin Orchestra played three songs written by locally-born composer Victor Garcia Jr., “Passages through Mexico.” See the video here.

  • VIDEO – Oct. 26 tornado warning in Yellow Springs

    Yellow Springs residents got a good soaking Tuesday, Oct. 26, but aside from a few fallen trees, that was about all.

  • VIDEO – Thrill Yellow Springs and the world

    On Saturday, Oct. 23, area zombies descended on the Bryan Center gym to dance to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” at the same time that thousands danced it all over the world. “Thrill The World” is an annual worldwide simultaneous dance of “Thriller.”

  • VIDEO – Art Stroll comedy performance highlights

    Highlights from “Hey, That’s A Nice Bike”, a meta philosophic dramatic sketch comedy performance put on by the 3rd Friday Players during Art Stroll on Friday, Oct. 15.

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