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  • Six villagers vie for vacated Council seat

    Six villagers have thrown their hats into the ring in the hopes of being chosen next week by Village Council to fill the seat left open by the resignation of Judith Hempfling. The person chosen will serve on Council for a year; their seat will be up for re-election in November 2019.

  • Emily Foubert’s Nature Connect — Kids plus nature equals wonder

    At a recent Forest Family session of the Nature Connect outdoor school, Emily Foubert looked closely at a puffball mushroom with Zander Breza, who had spotted the mushroom. Looking on are Meredith Carpe and daughter Havah, age 2. The program, Mondays from 9 to 10:30 a.m., is open to children 5 and under with an adult. Foubert, who grew up in Yellow Springs, is fulfilling her dream of opening up an outdoor school for children. Tuesday sessions for home-schooled children are also offered. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    In this, its pilot season, Emily Foubert’s Nature Connect outdoor school offers two weekly sessions through November: the Forest Family program and a Homeschool program. Both programs have openings.

  • Submissions sought for Senior Center Members’ Art Show

    The YS Senior Center will hold its annual Members’ Art Show in the Fireplace Gallery, Nov. 9–Dec. 19. Senior artists are currently being sought to contribute original artwork in the show and sale.

  • Senior athletes: They did it

    Villager Diana Castellano, pictured here in a recent race, has qualified to compete in multiple biking and swimming events as well as the triathlon competition at the 2019 National Senior Games, popularly called the Senior Olympics, to be held in June in Albuquerque, N.M. Longtime Yellow Springs resident Cheryl Meyer, not pictured, qualified to compete in four swimming events. Both women swim with the Dayton Sharks team. (submitted photo)

    Villagers Diana Castellano and Cheryl Meyer may seem like unlikely Olympians.

  • Neil Edward Dawson

    Neil Edward Dawson

    Neil Edward Dawson made his transition from this life on June 15, 2018, in his home near Yellow Springs. His death was sudden and unexpected.

  • Signing day for YSHS athletes

    Three Yellow Springs High School athletes headed to college next year in their respective sports were celebrated at a signing ceremony at YSHS on Monday.

  • 2018 Election results: strong showing against school levy

    In the past few weeks signs for and against the school facilities levy have sprouted up around town, as shown above. The “Vote No’ signs won the day. (Photos by Megan Bachman)

    Villagers strongly expressed their opposition to a school district plan to fund a rebuilt/renovated Yellow Springs High School/McKinney School on Tuesday, May 8. “No” voters prevailed by a wide margin.

  • Megan Rion (North)

    Photo by Megan Rion

    Megan Rion (North), 1973–2018, had a passionate curiosity to explore the beauty of the world and a natural ability to nurture and care for any plant or animal that crossed her path.


    Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at 6 p.m.. Council room, second floor, Bryan Community Center,

  • Mark Edwards memorial

    A celebration of the life of Mark Edwards will be held Friday, April 6, 6–8 p.m., at the Kay M. Glaesner Community Center in Springfield.

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