Educational & Cultural Section :: Page 3
Library sends free books to kids
Every child under five in Greene County is now eligible to receive a free book in the mail once a month.
Local history unearthed
The Yellow Springs Historical Society will present “Glen Forest Cemetery — Unearthed Local History” on Sunday, Oct. 27 at 2 p.m. in the Senior Center great room.
Science and Cowboy Magician this week
“Spellbound!” science today and “I Dig Reading” on Wednesday at the library for the kids.
Bahá’ís to screen talk by author of ‘The New Jim Crow’
A recent talk given by Michelle Alexander, acclaimed author of The New Jim Crow, will be re-played at the Yellow Springs Bahá’í Center tomorrow evening, April 19, at 7:30, followed by discussion and refreshments.
Book mobile has kids partying on the road to literacy
The Greene County Library bookmobile comes to town.
Reading a summer portal for all ages
How can a person meet the woman behind Tiffany’s glass, learn Arabic, relive the Apollo 11 lunar landing, unravel the secret plot against an ophanage in Botswana and travel through time and space in one summer?
Of sharing food and company
At three upcoming potlucks, starting next week, villagers can share their cooking and enjoy the “luck of the pot.”
Parachuters play for school support
Last week’s Yellow Springs Montessori School fundraiser, “Anything Flies,” included, left to right, Tyson Housh, Sven Meister and Gini Meekin, who found themselves in a moment of flight under the parachute.
Film screening at Nonstop Institute
The Nonstop Institute, located at 305 N. Walnut Street, will host a screening of “Between the Bottomlands and the World” tomorrow night, beginning at 7 p.m.
Nonstop to sponsor African American film series
Nonstop Institute will host a film series this month looking at the portrayal of African Americans in the movies.
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