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Land & Environmental Section :: Page 8

  • Down to Earth — Meet the Sustainability Champions

    “I created the Sustainability Champions program to encourage and support community members, providing them with guidance via connections with community leaders, local stakeholders and area experts.”

  • Black Farming Conference set

    The Agraria Center for Regenerative Practice — in partnership with Antioch College, Central State University and The National Afro-American Museum and Cultural Center — will present the Second Annual Black Farming Conference on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 10 and 11.

  • Down to Earth — Help to craft sustainability plan

    “Given this history and the wealth of expertise in our community, we’re long overdue for a comprehensive Climate Action and Sustainability Plan, or CASP.”

  • West Nile Virus detected in Bellbrook mosquitoes

    Greene County Public Health received notice from the Ohio Department of Health, or ODH, that West Nile Virus was detected in a mosquito sample sent to ODH.

  • Climate Action and Sustainability Plan underway in Yellow Springs

    Piper Fernwey worked at colleges and companies across the midwest developing farm-to-table programs and climate change responses. At Denison University, she helped the cafeteria source 40% of its food locally. Now, the Clifton resident is tasked with drafting a Climate Action and Sustainability Plan for the Village of Yellow Springs.

  • Tin Can Economy — A space in the school for the swifts

    Walk over to the Union School House on a clear late summer evening and you’ll see them. Swooping and darting through the dusk, conducting aerial dramas against the backdrop of a setting sun: chimney swifts. Hundreds of them.

  • Down to Earth — Recycling confusion

    The throwaway plastic that holds our takeout food and wraps our dry cleaning is widely seen as one of the world’s biggest environmental hazards. It pollutes as it is produced, through the extraction of fossil fuels, and no sooner than it is used, it pollutes again.

  • Board of Zoning Appeals says no to Agraria barn rental

    School group visits are OK. Renting out a historic barn for weddings and other social or community events is not. Setting up a farm store or stand is fine. Renting a conference room to other groups is questionable.

  • Down to Earth launches

    “Down to Earth,” a new monthly column, will concentrate on environmental issues related to the village, embedded in the understanding of climate change, the need for community resilience and sustainability, and the restoration of native habitat.

  • At Agraria— ‘Nourishing Life’ conference set

    Agraria will present a free, virtual conference, “Nourishing Life,” Friday and Saturday, June 18 and 19. The conference aims to inspire and inform those attending to imagine regenerative solutions to climate crises, chronic disease and major threats to the worldwide food supply.

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