Village Life Section :: Page 174
Marching to the beat of a patriotic drum
July 4th was a scorcher, but it didn’t keep the townsfolk from celebrating the nation’s heritage.
Fireworks on the Fourth
Click here for more photos from the July 4 fireworks display.
Village Council— TLT seeks preservation funds
At their June 18 meeting, Village Council members heard an appeal from Tecumseh Land Trust, or TLT, asking that Village government help preserve Glen Helen.
Group urges setting precedent in opposing oil, gas drilling
Yellow Springs may be the first community in Ohio to ban oil and gas drilling and waste wells within its municipal limits using a rights-based ordinance.
2012 Fourth of July festivities
Yellow Springs will celebrate Independence day with a parade, a patriotic band concert and, of course, fireworks.
Villagers take pride in their town
About 70 villagers came out yesterday to celebrate the opening of Yellow Springs’ first gay pride weekend.
Open burn ban instituted
Due to the current dry conditions in the area, a ban on open burning has been issued throughout Miami Township effective today, June 28, through Sunday, July 1. Open burning of field, yard, forest and other agricultural waste is hereby prohibited. This ban includes brush piles, bonfires, fire pits, chimineas and campfires. In addition, extreme […]
Show your Pride this weekend
Yellow Springs Pride will hold its first annual gay pride weekend this Saturday and Sunday.
2012 Cost of Living update—The village by the numbers
The 2012 Yellow Springs Cost of Living Report was completed this spring by Wright State University’s Center for Urban and Public Affairs (CUPA) and paid for by the James A. McKee Association.
Fracking forum to push for YS ban
Environmental experts will share ways Yellow Springs can avoid contamination from oil and gas drilling and fracking waste wells at a forum on Saturday.
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