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Village Life Section :: Page 190

  • At t-ball, as tender as we can be

    I had a first last Friday night. When I pulled into Gaunt Park around 6:25 p.m. for our 6:30–8 p.m. evening of Perry League t-ball, there was not a soul in sight. Not a child on the diamond. Not a parent in the bleachers. Not a car in the parking lot.

  • Family Dental practice purchased

    The two dentists who recently assumed control of Yellow Springs Family Dental are more than professional partners. They’re also close friends, who see running a practice together as an excellent combination.

  • A piazza for dance, and community

    Judith Wolert-Maldonado, also known as DJ Juju, is hosting a series of Dance Piazzas this summer at 100 Corry Street. The next Dance Piazza, which takes place at 7 p.m. on July 2, will feature lessons on the bhangra dance of India. The free dances continue on the first and third Saturday of the month through September, and everyone is invited. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Bringing people together to dance under an open sky resonates on many levels for Judith Wolert-Maldonado, who’s organized outdoor Dance Piazzas in the village every other Saturday night this summer.

  • Name Tag Week is here!

    This week Yellow Springers will be donning name tags and getting to know each other a little better. Join in the fun by picking up a copy of this week’s News, which includes a sheet of tags, and read more about the idea here.

  • Fun is afoot in Yellow Springs!

    Traveling Jules and Traveling Joan, the team that will judge the “Most Fun Town” category in the “Best of the Road” contest, will arrive in Yellow Springs Monday night and spend Tuesday and part of Wednesday in the village. Villagers are urged to come out for events planned during their visit.

  • Cemex seeks new quarry close to Yellow Springs

    The Fairborn-based Cemex, one of the world’s largest producers of Portland cement, is seeking to rezone a 289-acre plat of land it owns just south and west of Yellow Springs in order to construct a new quarry. The company will make its rezoning request at a meeting of the Xenia Township Trustees today, June 16, at 6 p.m at the trustees office at 8 Brush Row Road in Xenia.

  • Green gardeners learn to grow

    Faith Morgan of Community Solutions started a monthly growers exchange, where expert local farmers will teach novice gardeners in exchange for a little farm labor. Here Morgan weeds her garden plot on East Whiteman Street, once tended by her grandfather, Arthur Morgan. (Photo by Megan Bachman)Faith Morgan of Community Solutions started a monthly growers exchange, where expert local farmers will teach novice gardeners in exchange for a little farm labor. Here Morgan weeds her garden plot on East Whiteman Street, once tended by her grandfather, Arthur Morgan. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Gardening is not just for green thumbs any more. As more and more local neighborhood gardens sprout, the Growers Exchange offers a forum where seasoned local growers share their knowledge with novice gardeners in exchange for labor.

  • Creating families, one Adoption Link at a time

    Ten years ago Naomi Ewald-Orme, left, founded Adoption Link, which now places about 60 children with adoptive families each year. She’s shown with social worker Patti Belliveau in front of the organization’s Dayton Street offices. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    A critical part of many a couple’s successful adoption story is the local agency Adoption Link, headed by Naomi Ewald-Orme, who guided the couple through the complex and sometimes challenging adoption process.

  • Village may rank ‘most fun’

    The history of Yellow Springs is that of a town that is constantly being rediscovered, so it may come as no surprise that recently Yellow Springs was yet again discovered as one of the top 30 best small towns in America.

  • 2010 Census redux— Stats confirm diversity drop

    Yellow Springs has become a much less racially-diverse community with 40 percent fewer people of color than in 1970, according to the latest 2010 U.S. Census data released.

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