
Village Life Section :: Page 190

  • Will you be my valentine?

    The Yellow Springs Public Library hosted a valentine-making event for children last Friday afternoon.

  • YS Bahá’ís back those in Iran

    Growing up in Iran in the 1950s and ’60s, local resident Farzaneh (Behjati) Mader experienced some discrimination based on her adherence to the Bahá’í faith. But the Iranian Revolution had changed the country beyond recognition, especially for the Behjatis.

  • Fracking concerns arise in village

    The prospect of oil and gas drilling in the area is raising worries among some Yellow Springs residents because of a controversial drilling technique called fracking. What does the fracking process entail?

  • Branch Pick-Up Planned

    The Village will pick up branches from ice storm beginning Feb. 14. (Photo by Eliza Minde-Berman)

    The Village will pick up branches from the storm if villagers put the debris on the curb.

  • Village ice storm stories

    On Thursday, after the lights came back on downtown, villagers could be found sharing stories about the ice storm that crashed through town Tuesday night.

  • Some villagers still without power

    Village crews continue to work today, Thursday, Feb. 3, to restore power to village homes after Tuesday night’s brutal ice storm. Most villagers now have electricity, although about 30 percent of homes were still without power on Thursday morning.

  • Forum examines town and gown

    Last Friday night at the Corretta Scott King Center for Cultural and Intellectual Freedom, about 75 college and village representatives came together to talk about the strength that could be created by fostering positive relations between the village and Antioch College.

  • Local businesses try harder when village economy slows

    In the midst of a continuing national recession, business at most downtown merchants remained steady or slightly down in 2010.

  • The ice storm cometh, leaving destructive path

    The ice storm and winds that walloped Yellow Springs Tuesday night left about 75 percent of village residences without power overnight Tuesday and into Wednesday, according to Police Chief John Grote.

  • Saturday Storytime at Pass it On

    Pass it On hosts Saturday Storytime for kids every Saturday in the store.

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