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Village Life Section :: Page 188

  • Alley event to support women’s rights

    Sarah Jones and Lori Askeland are organizing a pro-choice rally to raise awareness about legislative attacks on women’s reproductive rights. The event, Back in the Alley, takes place at 7 p.m., Friday, Aug. 19, in Kieth’s Alley behind Ohio Silver, 245 Xenia Avenue. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Legislative attacks on women’s reproductive rights are pushing them “back in the alley,” according to organizers of a local event to protest state and federal efforts to limit abortion.

  • VIDEO: Back in the Alley pro-choice rally in YS

    Organizer Lori Askeland laid out Ohio's legislative attempts to restrict women's reproductive choice at a rally on Friday. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Women’s reproductive rights are threatened, pushing them “back in the alley,” according to organizers of a local event last Friday. See a video recap.

  • Rehab wing opens at Friends Care

    Karl Zalar, director of Friends Care Community, stands in the center’s recently completed rehabilitation wing. An open house for the new wing will take place Saturday, Aug. 20, 2–5 p.m. at the FCC campus. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    When the new $2.25 million rehabilitation wing at Friends Care Community officially opens next week, the organization will have much to celebrate.

  • Parties bond neighborhoods

    Kids and grown-ups alike appeared to enjoy themselves at one of last year’s 19 neighborhood block parties, sponsored by the Human Relations Commission. This year’s block parties take place the week-end of Aug. 19–21, with most on Sunday, Aug. 21, 5–8 p.m. Check the accompanying article for the list of the neighborhoods having parties, and if you wish to host one in your neighborhood, contact Joan Chappelle at 767-7056. (Submitted photo by Susan Gartner)

    Organizers of the annual neighborhood block parties want participants to have a good time. But beyond that, they aim to strengthen the ties between those who live close to each other in Yellow Springs.

  • First small step for senior apartments

    The most recent senior housing complex proposed for the Barr property downtown got its first nod from Village Planning Commission during a packed public hearing on Monday, Aug. 8.

  • Calling all Browns fans

    A Yellow Springs dawg pound is forming. Find out how to join.

  • The perks of a village

    Downtown Yellow Springs is full of unique little familiarities, like the record bin outside Toxic Beauty.

  • Center seeks input on new vision

    While riding on the bike path one weekend, out-of-town architect Doug Gallow and his gerontologist wife, Ellen, who specialize in designing senior centers, just happened to pass the Yellow Springs Senior Center and stop in.

  • Block parties next weekend

    Neighborhood block parties, sponsored by the Village Human Relations Commission, will take place next weekend, Aug. 19–21, with most taking place from 5–8 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 21. Many neighborhoods are already organized for parties, but some are not; interested villagers should contact Joan Chappelle at 767-7056.

  • A kind of meals on wheels, but Indian, and local

    A local offering of food in the spirit of sharing could turn a gift into a community of givers.

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