Village Life Section :: Page 210
Kids, dogs and spring
Isaiah Marley Search and Sophia Love Search found the small chairs at the Corner Cone to be just the right size and the veggie dogs and cones just the right choice for their supper.
YSI receives Third Frontier grant
YSI Incorporated is one of six statewide projects recently funded by the Ohio Department of Development’s Third Frontier grant, which seeks to spur economic development in Ohio, YSI leaders found out recently.
Antioch Underground
On Friday, April 9, employees of Crabtree Drilling of Springfield and Eaton Drilling of West Liberty drilled 300 feet down on the front lawn of the Antioch College campus in a first step toward determining the feasibility of using geothermal heating on campus. (Click on the headline to read more)
Which came first, the bunny or the egg?
Amani Wagner, left, and Hailey Qualls bowed their heads to the wind and plucked as many eggs from the Gaunt Park hill as their baskets could hold.
Rodney Bean to leave Senior Center
Yellow Springs Senior Center director Rodney Bean feels that it’s time for a change, and as the center has been oriented toward campaigning for a new space, now seems like a good time to let someone new take the helm. On May 28 he will step down to let that happen.
Careful, now…
Roy Woods of Bellefontaine was fully geared-up and having a good time, along with local young people at the Yellow Springs skate park.
Neighborhood gardens grow community, savings
Neighborhood gardens — shared plots for gardening with others near and within neighborhoods on Village-owned land — are new to Yellow Springs, and may be growing on land near you this year.
TLT, AACW join for roots fest
Every year the local blues fest reminds community members about the roots of contemporary popular music. If gospel can spawn the blues, jazz, reggae and rap, then what can the art of the local community tell us about our own history and roots? African American Cross-Cultural Works and the Tecumseh Land Trust aim to find out when they put on the first ever Roots Fest on Saturday, March 27, at Bryan Community Center. It will be an evening of performances in which villagers use the arts to connect to and share their own stories.
Assessing the value of diversity
For Jewell Graham, the 1950s, ’60s and ’70s were exhilarating times to live in the village. Having come to Yellow Springs as a young African-American woman with her new husband, Paul, who after graduating from Antioch had been offered a job at Vernay Laboratories, Graham was impressed with the quality of relationships between blacks and whites. Many businesses were integrated in a way unusual for the time, and a passion for the civil rights movement further brought people together. There was considerable socializing between blacks and whites in her world, as well as a sense of shared purpose.
Do housing costs affect diversity?
If local diversity can be measured by the number of African Americans who live within the geographical boundaries of Yellow Springs, the village has experienced three decades of decreasing diversity, and is likely wrapping up a fourth. Since 1970, the village has lost about 500 African-American residents, mirroring a larger regional trend.
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