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Village Life Section :: Page 209

  • Youth give back to their Glen Helen

    Glen Helen volunteer Deborah Dillon didn’t much care for snakes when she started welcoming visitors at Trailside Museum five years ago. But then Joe Plumer, who was 9 at the time and passionate about amphibians, opened her eyes to the fascinating lives that snakes of all kinds lead.

  • Birding by ear, Glen tallies 80 species

    Though the whipping, chilly wind didn’t feel like early May, the birds of Glen Helen puffed out their down and went ahead and sang anyway for the fourth annual Make It Count for the Birds fundraiser bird count on Saturday.

  • Dutch pilots to leave skies

    Villagers who suffer from the jet noise in the north end of town, and all those with sensitive ears only have to put up with the ruckus a little bit longer. The Dutch pilots who have been training at the Springfield-Beckley Airport with the 178th Fighter Wing of the Ohio Air National Guard will move to Arizona soon after September 2010.

  • Clifton Gorge finds local friends

    Down in the Clifton Gorge on a sunny Friday last month, the snow trillium matted the ridges sloping into the canyon, drawing area hikers eager to enjoy the first breath of spring. And though it was his day off, Southwest District Preserve Manager Shannon Hoffer was out on the trails too, educating visitors about the importance of staying on the path…

  • Celebrate National Bike Month

    Yellow Springs and Miami Township are promoting May as National Bike Month, which was started in 1956 by the League of American Bicyclists to raise awareness of bicycle-related issues.

  • Green Fair activates bodies, minds and electrodes

    The second annual Green Fair on Saturday, April 24, attracted about 200 to 250 people who came to the Glen Helen Building to see, touch and learn about environmental consciousness. About 25 booths, including seed start planting, aluminum can crushing, recycled newspaper hat making and snake charming, engaged participants with interactive educational displays. The event […]

  • No dog park at Ellis Park

    Ellis Park, the home of what many villagers consider a bird sanctuary and nature preserve, will not be the site of a dog park after all, following the April 19 Village Council meeting. At the meeting Council members voted to rescind the March vote that okayed Ellis as the dog park location, as had been proposed by two Yellow Springs High School seniors.

  • Spring!

    Kids leap into the blue spring sky

    It might be the weather, it might be youth, but the combination proved irresistible last Sunday morning.

  • Tricksters skate to springtime tunes

    The YS Skate Park will complete its first phase of renovations on May 30, to be unveiled at Skate Fest on June 13, during Street Fair. (photo by Lauren Heaton)

    About 100 people from the village and region showed up for music and tricking at Saturday’s Super Spectacular Extraordinarily Energized Skarstic Festival at the Yellow Springs Skate Park.

  • Two seniors commit to playing college ball

    On Friday, April 16, Yellow Springs High School seniors Ian Wimberly and Ryan Phillips signed letters of intent to play college basketball next season. Wimberly will attend Urbana University and Phillips will lend his talent to North Carolina’s Guilford College. The two seniors made their intentions official in front of friends and family gathered in a crowded high school library.

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