Village Life Section :: Page 215
Levy supports local seniors
Every Monday morning, 85-year old resident Grace Funderburg gets help cleaning her house on Lisa Lane. Local resident Mary Peterson comes over to vacuum and dust, and the two often share stories about the village they raised their children in. Several times a week Funderburg also gets a ride to town from a volunteer driver […]
Swine flu arrives in county
As in most of the rest of the country, the H1N1 flu, or swine flu, has arrived in Greene County, according to Don Brannon, epidemiologist of the Greene County Combined Health Department in an interview this week. While Brannon had no information regarding specific numbers in Yellow Springs because those numbers are not being recorded, about 10 people with the flu have been hospitalized in the county this month, he said.
Top library hopes for support
Call him crazy, but Greene County Public Library Director Karl Colón believes that the library ought to serve the taxpayers who support it. When the people said in a 2005 survey that they wanted more youth programs, better communication and a bigger collection, the Yellow Springs library started console game madness for teens, gussied up its newsletter and Web site and started ordering more books.
Bench talk gets new legs
A recent mediated dialogue between local young people and downtown business owners has increased understanding between the two groups and will likely result in a new public bench downtown, Village Council members were told at their Oct. 5 meeting. “The message to the youth is that they’re important to the community and that we want […]
Mad as hell over health care
Last Wednesday afternoon at the Emporium, a crowd of about 50 villagers stood up and yelled on cue, “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not gonna take it anymore!” Then they raised their right hands and took an oath to support a single payer health insurance system.
“On my honor as a health care advocate,” they began in unison, “I will do everything I can to help us develop a system of payment that redirects all current health care monies, both public and private, into a single public fund that covers everyone.”
The Riding Centre celebrates 50 years—Louise Soelberg’s legacy trots on
At the edge of the Glen next to a recently refurbished barn, the 8- to 10-year-olds tack up their horses. They stand on their toes to brush the horses’ backs, stoop to clean their hooves and then wind up to hoist their bulky saddles up and over in hopes that they’re centered enough to ride. Too small to mount from the ground, the young riders climb on from a set of steps in the outdoor ring and wait for Carolyn to check their stirrups. They sit high up in the air on Whisper, Honeypepper, Salty and Chipper, animals 20 times their size, which they are learning to lead and care for.
For 50 years the Riding Centre in Yellow Springs has operated for this purpose, to teach people how to be with horses.
Village is ‘best hometown’
If you think Yellow Springs is a wonderful place to call home, the editors of Ohio Magazine agree with you. They recently announced that the village has been selected as one of five “Best Ohio Hometowns” for 2010. “It’s a great opportunity,” Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Karen Wintrow said of the selection […]
Uncle David makes new life in YS
The glass jar of Mardi Gras beads that sits on David Fleming’s living room shelf reminds him of the city in which he was born, raised and expected to live out his years. But among the many things that Hurricane Katrina upended were Fleming’s plans for his life.
Patterson honor: celebrating others
You could call Faith Patterson a woman with a passion for bringing people together. As a leader of the African-American Cultural Works, or ACCW, she’s been pursuing that passion for more than a decade, spearheading such community-building events as Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, the recent Roots brunch, and the upcoming annual AACW Blues/Jazz Fest.
Duckwall buys gallery space
Longtime Yellow Springs chiropractor Mark Duckwall has recently purchased the building that formerly housed the Shirley/Jones Gallery, where he plans to open a new office space this fall.
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