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Village Life Section :: Page 213

  • Bicycles, use the whole lane

    Village Council’s goal to make Yellow Springs a more walkable and bikeable community prompted the Village Bicycle Enhancement Committee to take action on new traffic signs this fall and winter. The signs are a reminder that bicyclists are encouraged to use the entire lane.

    As head of the bike committee and an avid bicyclist himself, Dan Carrigan is passionate about educating both bikers and motorized drivers of the laws that give bicyclists greater rights and responsibilities.

    “As bicyclists, we’re being assertive,” he said. “The roads are a shared social network -— we all have a right to use them.”

  • Church harbors a market in winter

    While church basements tend to be the place for after-service coffee hours and socials, the basement of the Yellow Springs United Methodist Church will soon veer off the traditional path and host vegetables. Beginning this Saturday, Jan. 9, from 9 a.m. to noon, the church will sponsor its first winter farmers market.

  • Home, Inc. withdraws offer

    The Home, Inc. board of trustees decided last week to terminate its contract for a purchase option with Rabbit Run Farm on Dayton Street. Home, Inc. needed more time to establish a development partner for its housing project, and Rabbit Run owner Suzanne Patterson could not extend the option past the June 2010 limit specified in the contract signed in October.

  • Predictions abound for YS in 2010

    A sushi bar. A roller-skating rink, a wind farm and a better set of school leaders than this town has yet to imagine. Short Street will become a park. Vernay will be fenced for dog walkers. No matter what reveals itself in 2010, it will be a better year than last, according to many villagers […]

  • 3…2…1…’10!

    Copies of this and other photographs may be purchased from the News; please contact us via e-mail at, or by phone, between 9:30 a.m. and 5: 30 p.m., Mon.–Fri.

  • New Year’s eve 2010 in the Village

    Click here to listen to the audio (Quicktime): Yellow Springers offer their New Year’s predictions for the Village in 2010. Read also Brooke Bryan’s story in the News or click here. By Brooke Bryan Click here to listen to the audio (Quicktime): Learn about the Ball and other interesting observations about New Year in Yellow […]

  • At Friends Community, sweet care and bittersweet holidays

    While Friends Care Community employees work hard all year long, they put in extra effort over the holidays, according to longtime restoration aide Kent Little, who has worked in the local nursing home for 23 years.

    “Employees try hard to make it a good Christmas for residents,” he said this week. “They take pride in what they do.”

  • More villagers seeking help

    Consumers may have tightened their belts this whole past year, but the longer the financial slump continues, the harder it is for those living close to the bone to get by. An increase in the number of people served by a group of local organizations that provide emergency welfare help reflects the increased difficulty local residents are having getting enough warm winter wear, adequate heat in the house and ample food on the table. Especially in a giving season, the local welfare leaders extend a thanks for the generosity of the community and a note that in an economy such as this one, everyone is dealing with the loss in some measure.

  • Carol of the bells

    Copies of this and other photographs may be purchased from the News; please contact us via e-mail at, or by phone, between 9:30 a.m. and 5: 30 p.m., Mon.–Fri.

  • Builders make aesthetic efficient

    In many classic children’s stories, seemingly common and mundane entrances disguise the most fantastical places. For Alice, the gateway to Wonderland was through a rabbit hole, while the four Pevensie siblings discovered the bewitching world of Narnia through an old wardrobe. The driveway to Erik and Deirdre Owen’s home is no different. Looking (and feeling) […]

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