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Village Life Section :: Page 45

  • Schools closed; winter storm warning for Greene County continues

    Severe winter weather has shut down schools and traffic. Low temperatures and wind chill make travel hazardous. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    The NOAA’ s winter storm warning continues through Friday morning, Feb. 4. Yellow Springs schools will remain closed through Friday.

  • Oberer Land Developers in Yellow Springs | History, opposition, options

    This is not the first time Oberer has met with opposition in the village: In the 1980s, Oberer received a grant from the federal government to build an affordable housing complex, to be called Bryan Commons, on Dayton Street.

  • Spring Street Fair 2022 canceled

    The view of Fall Street Fair 2018 from the porch at the Mills Park Hotel in early afternoon. (Photo by Olivia Hasek)

    The YS Chamber of Commerce announced last week via its website that it has canceled the 2022 spring Street Fair.

  • COVID Update | Jan. 27, 2022

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    While COVID-19 case numbers continue to be historically high, there is some indication that Ohio is rounding a bend in the pandemic’s Omicron-variant-fueled surge.

  • Karen McKee honored at Martin Luther King Day event

    Over a blanket of snow, more than 100 villagers marched through downtown Yellow Springs in the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day march on Monday, Jan. 17.

  • COVID Update | Jan. 20, 2022

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    The number of COVID-related Ohio deaths during the week of Jan. 9–15 reached a new weekly high at 850, compared to 625 the week before.

  • 2022 Yellow Springs MLK Jr. march and presentations

    The annual Martin Luther King Jr. march was held Monday, Jan. 17.

  • COVID Update | Jan. 13, 2022

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    YS schools reported 13 positive cases, with seven among middle/high school students, four Mills Lawn students and two district staff.

  • The birth of a doula movement

    There are those among us who have a direct, intimate, perhaps even sublime understanding of the process of bringing forth life, assisting mothers as they give birth. This is the role of a doula.

  • COVID-19 numbers surge

    The daily number of new COVID-19 cases seems to be exploding exponentially, with the Ohio Department of Health, or ODH, reporting historically high figures for the pandemic across the state over the past week.

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