Village Life Section :: Page 47
COVID-19 Update — December 16, 2021
The Ohio Department of Health, or ODH, reported Saturday, Dec. 11, that the first two cases of the Omicron variant had been confirmed in Ohio.
Tecumseh Land Trust sees leadership change
What might have been a major transition for many organizations was less earth-shaking for Tecumseh Land Trust, or TLT, when the nonprofit’s longtime executive director retired this fall.
COVID-19 Update — November 18, 2021
After more than a month charting a gradual decline in new COVID-19 case numbers, Ohio saw a slight rise last week, according to the most recent data from the Ohio Department of Health, or ODH.
COVID-19 Update — December 9, 2021
Greene County’s total of new cases reported for the week of Sunday, Nov. 28, through Saturday, Dec. 4, rose significantly, however, from the week before, with a total of 531 new cases, compared to the previous week’s total of 308.
News from the Past: December 2021
35 years ago: 1986 — Developer George Oberer planned apartment complex. “Yellow Springs village government is no longer contesting a Dayton developer’s right to build an apartment complex here — but it’s likely the apartments will never be built.”
Village elders reflect on the Black experience, Pt. II
Villagers Paul Graham and Phillip Lawson spoke about their experiences growing up and living in integrated communities in Dayton and Yellow Springs.
Village elders reflect on the Black experience, Pt. I
Longtime villagers Frances Smith and Geneva Brisbane reflected on their experiences with racism and segregation during the “Elders Speak” virtual event held last month. The event was sponsored by The 365 Project.
Neighbors split on 1,500-acre Kingwood Solar field project
An estimated 300 people crowded into the Expo Center at the Greene County Fairgrounds on Monday evening, Nov. 15, for a public hearing on the proposed 1,500-acre Kingwood Solar field project.
2021 Share the Joy holiday tree at the Yellow Springs Community Library
The 2021 Share the Joy holiday tree is now up at the YS Community Library. The tree is an annual community effort for the residents of Yellow Springs and Miami Township who need help at holidays.
Little Thunders — Honoring ancestral brilliance
“The beauty of this time of year reminds me why it is so vital to honor my ancestors by keeping the traditions that have been passed down through the generations, and by keeping alive the skills they passed along.”
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