Village Life Section :: Page 43
COVID Update | March 17, 2022
According to data disseminated by the Ohio Department of Health, COVID-19 numbers across the state continued to decline over the past full week, with Greene County numbers also reflecting a downward trend.
Down to Earth | The allure of local nature
“What is it about nature and its allure? Why do some of us feel pulled to rush into the lush wildness that lies apart from the busyness of our societal spaces?”
Black-owned businesses in Yellow Springs: an oral history
In decades past, a villager could walk through town and encounter a host of businesses owned by Black residents of Yellow Springs.
The architecture of a village
The edifices that line the central throughways in the heart of the village form a patchwork of design and structure. The structures are quirky, asymmetrical and kaleidoscopic in color — the squat skyline, seldom rising above two stories, is jagged and sundry.
My Name Is Iden | Relax baby, it’s just art
“That is what art is at its core. It is the reception and processing of data by the artist. What we see and hear, what we smell and taste, what we feel is all just raw empirical data.”
COVID Update | March 10, 2022
According to data disseminated by the Ohio Department of Health, COVID-19 numbers across the state continued to decline over the past full week, with Greene County numbers also reflecting a downward trend.
Feminist Health Fund seeks donations
For more than 40 years, the village-based nonprofit Feminist Health Fund has helped women around Greene County pay for a variety of health-related costs, funding everything from prescriptions to operations.
COVID Update | March 3, 2022
As of last week, 10 of Ohio’s 88 counties dropped below the threshold for “high” COVID-19 incidence, measured at 100 or more new cases per 100,000 residents over two weeks.
Meet the Glen Helen land manager
It’s a lot to look after: The Glen contains over 1,100 acres of land and a 15-mile network of footpaths. It’s home to deep-seated Indigenous histories, untold numbers of flora and fauna, geologies and ecologies, waterways and wildlife.
COVID Update | Feb. 24, 2022
COVID-19 case numbers and hospitalizations continue to decline across Ohio from the mid-January peak fueled by the Omicron variant.
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