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Religion & Spirituality Section

  • Dharma Center plans Winter Introduction to Meditation

    The VIDA commission recognized the Dharma Center, located on the corner of Davis and Livermore streets, because the building and surrounding gardens “create a subtle yet compelling visual effect and atmosphere. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    The YS Dharma Center will offer a Winter Introduction to Meditation Course on Wednesday evenings for six weeks beginning Jan. 8.

  • First Presbyterian Church to evict bats

    The recent discovery of bats living inside the historic 19th-century building has curtailed the use of the church’s sanctuary by both its congregation and the wider community.

  • 30 years of promoting peace at the Dharma Center

    On Saturday June 3, members of the YS Dharma Center gathered among the bounty of flowers and plants to celebrate 30 years at the center.

  • Gelt getters

    As the sun set on Sunday, Dec. 18, a group of villagers gathered to celebrate the first night of Hanukkah at a potluck.

  • Kyoto Perry connects to the ‘spirit world’

    Owner of Kyoto Intuitive, Tarot Readings and Medium, villager Kyoto Perry works with people who want to communicate with their loved ones through her work as a medium.

  • Astrology resurgence— Aquarius, herbalism and Pluto

    Yellow Springs has always been a community that welcomes different faiths, philosophies and spiritual centering, and has usually been more accepting of alternative beliefs. This bears out when it comes to astrology.

  • New pastor at Methodist Church

    Latoya Warren, a native of Dayton, was appointed to head the 185-year-old church last month after the departure of Rick Jones, who had served as pastor since 2015. Jones is now pastoring Oakwood United Methodist Church.

  • The Dharma of the Springs

    To find the Middle Path and follow the Dharma of Siddharta Gautama, one need not venture far here in the Springs.

  • Christmas eve outside at the First Presbyterian Church

    Creche at the First Presbyterian Chuch, Christmas eve, Dec. 24. (Photo by Matt MInde)

    Visual artist Brian Millar created a creche in front of the First Presbyterian Church, which houses figures of the holy family made by his mother almost 70 years ago.

  • Returning villager leads Presbyterians

    The Reverend Daria Schaffnit’s journey to fulfill her calling has led her back to Yellow Springs, where she hopes her work with the First Presbyterian Church will have a positive impact on the community.

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