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Religion & Spirituality Section :: Page 5

  • Meditate with heart

    The Friends of the Heart Center will hold an open house and Peace Day meditation on Sunday, Sept. 20, 2-4 p.m.

  • Share stories with Nuns on the Bus

    Share your story at a potluck dinner with the Nuns on the Bus, who are stopping at the Senior Center this Saturday on their way to Washington, D.C.

  • Pastor Jones joins Yellow Springs Methodist Church

    Pastor Rick Jones joined the Yellow Springs United Methodist Church this summer.

  • Bahá’í camp immersed in virtues

    Ursula Kremer, left, a Youth Helper at this summer’s Bahá’í day camp, leads a group of campers in a game called “The Knot,” in which children must untangle themselves without breaking hands. The game enacts the virtues of happiness and unity. (Submitted photo)

    A small sign on Linden Qualls’ bright red door sets the tone for both her home and the children’s camp she’s run here for nearly 30 years. “If there is right in the soul, there will be beauty in the person.”

  • Free healing drum workshop for women

    A free workshop exploring percussion, song, and circle as a healing force for self and community will be offered this weekend.

  • Film argues that education is a right

    Antioch College student Taylor Spratt and the Yellow Springs Bahá’í community will host a documentary highlighting an online campaign to educate Bahá’ís worldwide. The film, “To Light a Candle,” will screen this Saturday, Feb. 28 at 7 p.m. at room 219 in the Science Building on campus. Roy Qualls, right, will moderate the post-film discussion. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    For Taylor Spratt, an Antioch College student who grew up between Milwaukee and the Chicago suburbs, a college education was a given. But for her contemporaries who live in Iran and adhere to the Bahá’í Faith, attending Iranian university is prohibited by law.

  • Kwanzaa marks African heritage in Yellow Springs

    The annual village Kwanzaa celebration is being revived this year after a two-year hiatus. The event takes place Saturday, Dec. 27, from 4:30 to 7:30 at the Bryan Center. Shown above are Gordon Champman, left, Malaya Booth, bottom right, and John Booth, behind, at a past event. (Submitted photo)

    Basim Blunt wanted to make sure that the Kwanzaa celebration that the African American Cross-Cultural Works has sponsored in the village for nearly 10 years continues.

  • Learn about Quaker faith, practice

    The Yellow Springs Friends Meeting will offer a series, “Introduction to Quaker Faith and Practice,” beginning Sept. 14. Five consecutive monthly session will be held on the second Sunday of each month, 1–3 p.m., at Rockford Chapel.

  • Presbyterians, Methodists celebrate — Spirit of collaboration for Easter

    Celebrating the joining of their churches in worship during the upcoming Holy Week is the Reverend Aaron Maurice Saari of the First Presbyterian Church of Yellow Springs and the Reverend Sherri Blackwell of the Yellow Springs United Methodist Church. Joint activities, which are open to the public, are a “Jesus Christ Superstar” sing-a-long on Palm Sunday, a ritual Agape meal on Maundy Thursday and a candlelight service on Good Friday. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Only in Yellow Springs will this year’s Holy Week observance include a sing-along to “Jesus Christ Superstar.”

  • St. Paul’s Palm Sunday Service correction

    Palm Sunday service on Saturday evening, April 12, at 5 p.m.

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