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Religion & Spirituality Section :: Page 6

  • New First Presbyterian Church pastor preaches ‘radical love’

    Take a closer look at the new pastor at the First Presbyterian Church and you’ll see that the man wearing the clerical collar also wears earrings, long hair, tattoos and combat boots.

  • New pastor preaches ‘radical love’

    The new pastor of the First Presbyterian Church is a hometown man who preaches about “radical love” and progressive Christianity.

  • A local introduction to the “Fourth Way”

    Several local practitioners will present an introduction to the teachings of Armenian spiritual philosopher George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff this week at the library.

  • Pastor Derrick Weston to leave— Social justice voice to move on

    For the last year Derrick Weston has been the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church and director of Antioch’s Coretta Scott King Center for Cultural and Intellectual Freedom. Weston leaves next month to return to his hometown of Pittsburgh, where he will work for a faith-based organization that empowers inner-city youth. In light of the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the fatal shooting of Florida teen Trayvon Martin, Weston said his work with young African Americans will be even more critical. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Pastor Derrick Weston will soon leave the First Presbyterian Church, which he has led since January 2012, to work towards just that cause as he becomes the director of a non-profit community development organization that empowers inner-city youth in Pittsburgh.

  • First Baptist Church, 150 year in YS

    The First Baptist Church celebrated their 150th anniversary this past weekend.

  • Dharma Center celebrates 20 years

    The path toward enlightenment in Yellow Springs has been a shared one. The 50-year history of Buddhism in the village teems with stories of residents coming together to advance the solitary practice of meditation.

  • Dharma Center hosts guest Bradshaw

    On Thursday, April 11 at 8 p.m., the Dharma Center will host a free public talk by visiting Vipassana meditation teacher Rebecca Bradshaw, who will present “How Knowing Your Buddhist Personality Type Can Help Your Meditation Practice.”

  • Growing church is just the beginning

    Bill Randolph, the new pastor of the First Baptist Church gave a stirring sermon at Sunday’s worship service. Randolph, who was installed on Nov. 11, is a longtime villager who raised his five children in town. He hopes to grow the church’s dwindling congregation. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Newly appointed Pastor Bill Randolph’s enthusiasm for the Lord — and reviving the historic local church — is welcome news to its parishioners.

  • Methodists celebrate 175 years

    The United Methodist Church at its Winter Street location, as seen from Dayton Street in the early 20th century. The photo was developed from a glass negative owned by Howard Kahoe.

    It was the year Martin Van Buren became the eighth president of the United States. Two months after his inauguration, New York City’s major banks failed, igniting the “Panic of 1837.” And in that same year, right here in Yellow Springs, the United Methodist Church held its first meetings.

  • Yellow Springs United Methodist Church Celebrates 175 Years

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