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Religion & Spirituality Section :: Page 2

  • New pastor for historic AME church

    Reverend Morné Meyer, hailing from South Africa, has been appointed pastor of Central Chapel AME Church in Yellow Springs. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Central Chapel AME Church has a new pastor. Read more about Rev. Morné Meyer’s leadership of Yellow Springs’ AME church in the Nov. 28 issue of the News.

  • New healing arts school—Coming to grips with grief

    Joshua Hayward is well known in the village for his tarot card readings, astrological charts and as a meditation leader. His three-week course “Negotiating Shadow: Discovering the True Self,” addresses grief, loss and using the opportunity to grow, and will begin this Sunday. (Photo By Gary McBride)

    Like many of us, Joshua Hayward knows a thing or two about grief. His wife, Esther Lail, died in 2013, which is when Hayward’s “path to suffering opened up,” he said this week.

  • ‘Mindful of Race’ discussion group to begin

    The Dharma Center will hold a seven-week book discussion group focused on Ruth King’s book “Mindful of Race: Transforming Racism from the Inside Out” on Thursdays beginning Jan. 17.

  • Yellow Springs Dharma Center celebrates 25 years

    The Yellow Springs Dharma Center marked its 25th anniversary on Sunday, June 3, with a Buddha’s Enlightenment Day celebration at the center on Livermore Street. The day began with participants circumventing the center in a walking meditation. Pictured are Kumasi Hampton, Joe Mader, Carol Young, Madison Sheets, Krista Sheets and Arati Cacciolfi. (Submitted photo)

    “Gratitude.” The feeling infused the air as trustees of the Yellow Springs Dharma Center sat down recently to talk about the center’s 25th anniversary this year.

  • Baptists celebrate 155 years

    The First Baptist Church of Yellow Springs is celebrating its 155th anniversary this Sunday, May 20, with a special service at 10:45 a.m. Shown above at the church are members and staff, clockwise from left, Isabel Newman, Lorri Harrison, Cedric Savery, Betty Hairston, Pastor Bill Randolph, Bernice Kirk and Anisha Savery. (Photo By Diane Chiddister)

    The First Baptist Church isn’t the largest church around. But its members believe their church is outsize in the ways that really matter.

  • Paranormal author to speak at Spirited Goat

    Paranormal author Michele Zirkle will share the story of a water haunting in her West Virginia home and other esoterica at a talk in town Saturday.

  • Teacher to return to YS Dharma Center

    Buddhist meditation guiding teacher Rebecca Bradshaw will return to the Yellow Springs Dharma Center on Thursday, May 3, to give a talk at 8 p.m. titled “Four Faces of Compassion.”

  • Healers offer ‘Awakening Ancestral Wisdom’ in Yellow Springs

    Two healers initiated in the Sangoma tradition of South Africa will visit Yellow Springs next weekend to lead transformational rituals and healing sessions around connecting with one’s ancestral wisdom.

  • Equinox traditions: An interview with a World Religions scholar

    Spring arrives today. A scholar of World Religions shares the common themes of Spring celebrations worldwide.

  • BLOG—”Above all, try something”: On food insecurity in the village

    Eighteen months ago, Kate Anderson came to my office at First Presbyterian Church and said, “I feel called to address food insecurity, but I don’t know what that looks like yet.” Now, with three financial donors and a growing list of volunteers, it seems our prayers are being answered. 

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