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Village Schools Section :: Page 41

  • School board sets limits on public comments

    The Yellow Springs School Board’s regular meeting Thursday, April 12, was its first since the middle/high school principal took a medical leave of absence last month and allegations of sexual misconduct between high school students became public. However, the board kept discussions related to employee and student concerns to a minimum.

  • A higher education in Peru

    Thirty-five Yellow Springs High School students participated in a service-learning trip to Peru over spring break. The students helped build a structure for an indigenous women’s textile cooperative in the Andean village of Huilloc. (Submitted Photo by Eli Hurwitz)

    Thirty-five students, six chaperones and four accompanying adults learned a variety of words and phrases in the native Quechua language during the 10 days of their travel in Peru.

  • “No more fear” — Students walk out to protest school shootings

    Local students gathered downtown for a rally last Friday, April 20, to commemorate the 19th anniversary of a school shooting at Columbine High School. Pictured are, from left, Mason Lindsey, JJ Bledsoe, Ellery Bledsoe and Mark Bricker (at rear). Students walked out of Yellow Springs High School/McKinney Middle School and marched downtown to express their support for stricter gun control measures and to urge the government to do more to improve school safety. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Students from McKinney Middle School and Yellow Springs High Schools participated in the National School Walkout on Friday, April 20. See a gallery from the protest.

  • Operation Bluebird — YS students monitor nesting boxes

    Operation Bluebird, a collaboration between Yellow Springs Schools and Tecumseh Land Trust that puts McKinney Middle School seventh-graders in the role of “Citizen Scientists” to monitor the activity at local nesting boxes, will resume this spring with a new crop of students. Pictured from last year, from left, are Aamil Wagner, Joaquin Espinosa and Jonathan Garrett. (Submitted photo)

    There’s nothing quite like seeing a bluebird in its environment, especially for bird lovers.

  • Police investigating sexual offenses involving YSHS students

    Update, March 30, 2018: The Yellow Springs News obtained documents Friday, March 30, regarding two instances of possible sexual misconduct involving one or more YSHS students.

  • High school’s ‘High School Musical’

    Yellow Springs High School seniors Greta Kremer and Jonah Trillana play theater-obsessed twins Sharpay and Ryan Evans in the school’s spring musical, “Disney’s High School Musical, On Stage!” to be presented this weekend and next at Mills Lawn School. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    The name says it all. The title of this year’s high school musical is exactly that — “High School Musical,” or more specifically, and legally, “Disney’s High School Musical, On Stage!”

  • Yellow Springs Schools— McKinney/YSHS plan focus of forum

    About 75 people attended an informational community forum, presented by the Yellow Springs Schools district Thursday, March 1, in the high school cafeteria, concerning replacement and renovation plans at the middle/high school facility on East Enon Road. Shown is Superintendent Mario Basora presenting the plan. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    Questions about time frame and concerns about health and safety predominated at the community discussion Thursday, March 1, when an estimated 75 people attended a public forum presented by the Yellow Springs School District to consider the district’s plan for upgrading the middle and high school campus.

  • Local students stage walkout protest

    Local students joined the National Walkout School movement on March 14, with well over 100 students and some faculty and parents walking out of McKinney Middle/Yellow Springs High School to remember the lives of those killed in the Florida school shootings and to urge action on gun control and school safety. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Local students walked out of McKinney Middle/Yellow Springs High School on Wednesday, March 14, as part of the National School Walkout movement.

  • Kindergarten registration and Spring Book Fair next week at Mills Lawn

    Lucy sits down for her first day of Kindergarten at Mills Lawn.

    Kindergarten registration at Mills Lawn Elemetary begins on Monday, as well as the school’s Spring Scholastic Book Fair.

  • A day at the museum

    Second-graders Cruz Drew and Gianna Bunch portrayed notable African-American writer and educator Booker T. Washington, whose history and biography they studied, at the Jan. 26 Mills Lawn School Black History Month Living Museum. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    As the finale to their recent studies of African-American history, Mills Lawn School second-graders tied the past with the present via a “living museum,” and an all-school assembly.

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