Village Schools Section :: Page 55
UPDATE: Yellow Springs schools CLOSED Wednesday, Jan. 20
The Yellow Springs Board of Education has closed village schools for Wednesday, Jan. 20 due to snow, cold and poor road conditions.
Yellow Springs schools on 2-hour delay Tuesday, Jan. 19
The Yellow Springs Board of Education has placed village schools on a two-hour delay for Wednesday, Jan. 19 due to extreme cold.
Banner day at Mills Lawn School
Mills Lawn School third graders proudly presented banners they’d woven from recycled materials.
Yellow Springs Schools on 2-hour delay Monday, January 4
Yellow Springs Schools are on a 2-hour delay Thursday, March 5, due to icy roads and cold.
YS Schools share PBL knowledge
In recent weeks, Yellow Springs students and staff have been sharing the impact of project-based learning, or PBL, with educational leaders across the state.
Students broach ‘the Scottish play’
Shakespeare: perhaps one of the best-known people in human history and certainly the best-known playwright in the history of human expression.
Schools hire an outside promoter
Earlier this school year, the Yellow Springs school district hired Megan Anthony, a communications coordinator with the Clark County Educational Services Center.
YS teachers to train other districts
Yellow Springs High School will deliver project-based learning (PBL) training to two northeastern Ohio school districts on Oct. 22 and 23.
2015 Yellow Springs News School Guide
The online version of the Yellow Springs News 2015 School Guide.
School board praises 2020 Plan
The Yellow Springs school district’s 2020 Plan, which aims to increase student success by enhancing innovation in teaching and learning, appears to be achieving its goals.
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