Village Schools Section :: Page 74
Mills Lawn School playground mulch spreading day
Help spread mulch on the Mills Lawn playground this Saturday, April 21, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Piece sign: Mills Lawn School mosaic project in progress
Wendy Shelton’s fourth- and fifth-grade students gathered outside late Thursday morning to begin work on the new Mills Lawn School front lawn sign.
Mills Lawn Feelings Wall
Mills Lawn students express their feelings.
‘Grease’ grabs YSHS hearts
When Grease was announced as this year’s spring musical over the loudspeaker at Yellow Springs High School, students screamed.
A swinging spring musical at YSHS — Grease opens Friday
Yellow Springs High School students are eager to play their rebellious teenage counterparts at the fictitious Rydell High School in this year’s spring musical, Grease.
McKinney focuses on wellness
Bullying is a problem everywhere in schools today, according to longtime McKinney Middle School teacher Sarah Lowe, and Yellow Springs is no exception.
Schools initiate new tax levy
Yellow Springs school board members faced a room of empty chairs last week as they discussed a school tax hike at their “committee of the whole” meeting on Thursday, March 22.
Students think Police Chief Grote is “awesome like a possum”
Mills Lawn students bid Police Chief John Grote farewell yesterday on the occasion of his retirement from the force this month.
Schools discuss new property tax levy
The Yellow Springs school board is considering a new property tax for this year’s November ballot. See how much the levy could cost you.
Schools commit to laptops
The schools are talking tech this year, with a recently established goal to purchase laptop computers to replace the district’s desktop computers, some of which are 10 to 13 years old.
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