Village Schools Section :: Page 75
Wellness week at McKinney
Students at McKinney Middle School are experiencing a “Wellness Week” this week at the school, focused on learning healthy behaviors along with becoming aware of the warning signs for troubled peers.
Irish step dancers entertain Mills Lawn students
Irish step dancers livened up a St. Patrick’s day assembly on Friday morning, March 16.
The Harlem Quartet to perform at MLS Monday
The Harlem Quartet will perform at an all-school assembly Monday at 10 a.m.
Spring 2012 MLS PTO Math & Science night
The Mills Lawn School PTO Math & Science Night took place Friday, March 16.
Hula whoops!
Many Mills Lawn After School Care children showed off their handiwork from special Community Enrichment courses.
Yellow Springs Board of Education
YSHS teacher settles, resigns
During a special meeting on Thursday, Feb. 16, the Yellow Springs school board accepted the resignation of Yellow Springs High School chemistry teacher Michelle Edwards.
Board Of Education
Special Meeting, Thursday, March 8 at 6 p.m.
Collins spells her way to regionals
Mills Lawn student Freddie Collins will compete at the Dayton regional spelling bee this weekend.
Show goes on for One-Acts
It’s a Friday night in Yellow Springs and a group of high school kids are looking for things to do. The typical, albeit caricatured, teenage banter is captured in a one-act play written by YSHS students Rory Papania and Lois Miller and will be performed at this year’s annual staging of student-written, student-directed pieces.
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