Village Schools Section :: Page 85
Rwandan visitors heading home
Yellow Springs has been host to several Rwandan students and school officials over the past few weeks.
Schools look at fiscal crisis
In order to avoid a projected negative cash balance by the end of the 2013 fiscal year, school board members at their Dec. 9 meeting discussed ways to reduce the district’s 2010–2011 budget.
Increased school district enrollment increases opportunities
Increasing local students means increasing local families, and while the village appears to provide a home for families at a variety of income levels, more housing in general could help to generate a school district population that is more sustainable.
Dec. 16, 2010 Bulldog Sports Round-up
December 16, 2010 Bulldog Sports Round-up
School’s 2020 plan kicks off
The Yellow Springs School Board’s Class of 2020 strategic planning process kicked off Saturday morning with a community workshop.
Mills Lawn kids respond to hunger
Before breaking for the holidays, students at Mills Lawn collected and delivered food for those in need.
Dec. 10 Bulldog Sports Roundup
The high school girls basketball team lost its home opener to Bishop Ready by a final score of 46–27 on Thursday, Dec. 2.
School’s 2020 plan kicks off
The Yellow Springs School Board’s Class of 2020 strategic planning process kicked off Saturday morning with a community workshop at the Glen Helen Building.
Kindergarteners carol for local seniors
Local seniors were treated to the sweet songs and dances of Mills Lawn kindergarteners and holiday tunes from the McKinney School band at the 31st Senior Citizen’s Day Celebration, held at Yellow Springs High School on Wednesday.
School Forest builds festive character
The School Forest Festival is still offering hand-cut Christmas trees today from 9 am to 2 pm.
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