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Village Schools Section :: Page 83

  • Roosevelt speaks on crisis in public education

    Last Saturday Antioch College President Mark Roosevelt, the former superintendent of Pittsburgh schools, spoke on the American educational crisis at an event cosponsored by the Antioch College Morgan Fellows and the Yellow Springs public schools.

  • VIDEO: Mills Lawn presents Bollywood Jungle Book

    The Mills Lawn all-school musical Bollywood Jungle Book premieres Saturday, March 5, at 7 p.m. and again on Sunday, at 2 p.m. Both shows take place at the Paul Robeson Performing Arts Center at Central State University.

  • Chick, Malone to swim at state finals

    Yellow Springs High School junior Erika Chick blew past the competition in the 500-yard freestyle at last weekend’s district meet in Oxford, Ohio. She won by nearly seven seconds and qualified for the state finals with district titles in both the 200- and 500-yard freestyle. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Last Saturday’s district tournament performances showed that juniors Erika Chick and Elizabeth Malone are getting even faster in victorious swims.

  • Four local teachers to retire

    Four teachers with long and distinguished tenure in the Yellow Springs schools gave notice of their resignations at the end of the current school year.

  • Young minds, bodies take to yoga in the schools

    This month local yoga instructors Jen Ater, above, top right, and Gail Lichtenfels launched a program to teach yoga in village public schools. Shown above are McKinney Middle School students at a yoga class this week. (Photo by Sehvilla Mann)

    A group of 19 students sits cross-legged on purple mats in Sarah Lowe’s classroom at McKinney Middle School; they’ll be spending the next 50 minutes practicing yoga.

  • Life in India focus of Mills Lawn study

    Village resident Al Pana Sharma visited Mills Lawn School last week to share Indian clothing and culture. She is shown wrapping a sari around third grader Zoe Williams. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Students at Mills Lawn School have been studying Indian life and culture in preparation for this weekend’s all-school musical, Bollywood Jungle Book. The play will be shown this Saturday and Sunday at the Paul Robeson Cultural and Performing Arts Center on the Central State campus.

  • Get educated about education

    The community will get a double dose of education-inspired talk this week with a presentation by Miami University education professor Michael Dantley on Tuesday, Feb. 22, and a screening of the film No Textbook Answer: Communities Confront the Achievement Gap the following Saturday. See the film’s trailer here.

  • Schools aim for least harmful cuts

    The ultimate goal of school district budget cuts is to respond to the district’s deficit spending while making the least amount of programmatic change.

  • Inspiring better education

    About 50 people came to hear Deborah Meier and Shadia Alvarez, both progressive educators and Antioch alumni, speak at the Herndon Gallery on Antioch College campus Feb. 12.

  • Antioch and village schools collaborate on Future of Education series

    Deborah Meier will speak on education and democracy Feb. 12 as part of ‘The Future of Education‘ series.

    The Yellow Springs school board, in inviting a series of progressive-minded educators and thinkers to town, hopes the next few months are filled with discussion and debate about the future of education in the village.

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