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Village Schools Section :: Page 84

  • Music, dance to honor YSHS theater

    The YSHS theater program has inspired Lauren Westendorf and Donovan Berends, so the duo is holding a musical review featuring songs from Broadway musicals to raise money for the program as their senior project.

  • Teachers urge caution—Personnel cuts detrimental?

    With a healthy cash carryover, the Yellow Springs district should be “judicious” about decisions to eliminate staff and cut benefits, which could end up hurting the district more than helping, the teachers said.

  • Students dig for morbid treasures

    Fifth grade students glean the inside story from owl pellets.

  • Creativity reigns at One Acts

    It’s time again for the annual Yellow Springs High School One Act plays.

  • Yellow Springs school board— Possible budget cuts eyed

    This week, the Yellow Springs school administration will begin drafting a recommendation to make significant cuts to the district’s 2011–12 budget, partially based on input from the schools and community that Superintendent Mario Basora has received over the past several months.

  • Ohio reduces funds for schools

    According to former Governor Strickland’s Evidence-Based funding model, the local school district is scheduled to receive $1,037,354 from the state to educate its 621 in-district students this year.

  • Engage in designing the future for Yellow Springs schools

    Tonight at Antioch University Midwest, the Yellow Springs school district will launch “The Future of Education” lecture series aimed at stirring the community toward reinventing the village’s public school model.

  • YSHS’s O’Brien retiring after 33 years — A passion for lifelong fitness

    Yellow Springs High School and McKinney School teacher Kevin O’Brien retires this Friday after 33 years teaching physical education and health. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Retiring Yellow Springs High School teacher Kevin O’Brien hopes that he inspired students to commit to lifelong fitness as he worked to create a strong physical education program in the Yellow Springs School District.

  • New YSHS newspaper a hit with students

    The new Writing for Publications class at Yellow Springs High School, taught by English teacher Desirée Nickell, is putting out a monthly newspaper. Class members pictured are, front row left to right, Ms. Nickell, Rachell Meyer, Liana Rothman, Julia Tucheslau and Shyanne Barnett. Those in the top row, left to right, are Collin Hardy, Rory Papania, Gabe Amrhein, Jazz Exel, Henry Crews, Issac Haller, Kelly Miller, Austin Bailey, Bella Hernandez and Max Mullin. (Photo by Kelsey Cundiff)

    Along with many other changes that took place this year at YSHS, something new was offered to students: a unique, workshop-type class in which students produce a monthly school newspaper.

  • Mils Lonn speling bee socksessfull

    Mills Lawn held its annual spelling bee on Wednesday, Jan. 4.

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