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  • Feel the Love-In the Village this weekend

    Megan Miller showed off some of the chocolately possibilities of the upcoming “Tour de Chocolat,” on Saturday, Feb. 11 from 1 to 5 p.m. Twenty-three downtown businesses are offering chocolate items on their menu. The chocolate crawl is part of the first Yellow Springs Love-In, Feb. 10–12, featuring music, peace and activism. Miller, who is helping to organize the event as an Antioch College Miller Fellow with the Yellow Springs Arts Council, here holds some handmade chocolates from Town Drug and a bianca white chocolate latte from Dino’s Cappucinos. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Hippies held a human be-in in Golden Gate Park in 1967. The human rights movement used sit-ins for civil disobedience. Teach-ins were popular during the Vietnam War. For Valentine’s Day weekend, in a town that carries with it the spirit of the 60s, the love-In has been born. Organized by the Yellow Springs Arts Council, […]

  • New family doctor opens Xenia Avenue office

    Dr. Alan Fark, formerly of northern Michigan, has opened a new family medicine practice in Yellow Springs.

  • Public Meetings

    Environmental Commission, Planning Commission, Energy Board, Community Access Panel

  • Life after shock in Japan

    Yellow Springs native Nicole Irizawa describes the experience of living close to the earthquake that struck eastern Honshu last year.

  • GALLERY – Intergenerational celebration at Friends preschool

    Last week’s Friends Care Community event, Color Our World Intergenerational, spanned three generations. Intergenerational activities are common at the skilled care nursing facility, which has a preschool operating within. See more photos after the jump.

  • SPORTS SUNDAY — McKinney 7th graders lose after two big wins

    Coming off of a comeback win and impressive team effort, the McKinney seventh-grade boys basketball team fell to Xenia Christian this week.

  • BLOG-Breakfast with My Babies

    Children learn what they live. The Yellow Springs Montessori School offers a lesson in healthy breakfast.

  • AUDIO: A Groundhog Day song

    On Feb. 1 a group of community singers gathered to learn Beverly Logan’s original 1978 work, “O Great Groundhog Day.”

  • Dallas to direct UD play

    Local director Tony Dallas will direct Eleemosynary at the University of Dayton's Boll Theater this weekend and next. He's shown here with local actor Marcia Nowik, who plays a lead role.

    Villager Tony Dallas is directing Eleemosynary at the University of Dayton’s Boll Theater this weekend and next. The play features local actor Marcia Nowik in a leading role.

  • Village Council— Arts group requests space

    At their January 17 meeting, Village Council considered whether they should provide the Yellow Springs Arts Council rent-free space in a Village facility, after hearing a request from an Arts Council representative.

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