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  • Request For Bids

    Library HVAC Systems Replacement

  • Request For Bids

    Construction Of Dayton-Yellow Springs Road Widening Project

  • Tackling hard water, hard choices

    Of all the critical decisions made by municipal governments, perhaps no decisions are more important than those concerning water.

  • Eleanor Zaremsky

    Eleanor Zaremsky

    Eleanor Zaremsky of Beachwood, Ohio, died Thursday, April 26. She was 97.

  • New pastor leads King center

    errick Weston was recently named the new pastor of the First Presbyterian Church as well as director of the Coretta Scott King Center for Cultural and Intellectual Freedom at Antioch College. (Photos by Lauren Heaton)

    This month in separate but coordinated moves, Derrick Weston was hired as the new pastor of the First Presbyterian Church as well as the new director of Antioch College’s Coretta Scott King Center for Cultural and Intellectual Freedom.

  • Senior housing off, for now

    An effort to build affordable senior housing on the Barr property downtown was thwarted last month when the project was denied its request for 2012 federal tax credits. However, project organizers consider the set-back only a delay, as they plan to re-apply in 2013.

  • Rita Colbert

    Rita Colbert died Sunday, May 6 at 12:30 a.m. at Heritage West Allis Senior Living in Milwaukee, Wis.

  • Judy Schauer

    Judith Schauer

    Judith Ann Schauer died Sunday, April 29. She was 59.

  • Chim chim cheroo at Antioch School

    The Antioch School older group will perform Mary Poppins at 7 p.m. on Friday and 12:30 p.m. on Saturday at the Clifton Opera House. Students in the production are, from left, front row, Kai Maruyama; middle row, Grant Crawford, Cessi Jones, Jorie Sieck, Ket Snyder White, Kaden Boutis, Zachary Brintlinger-Conn, Ella Comerford; back row, Graham Arnett, Sulayman Chappelle, Zenya Hoff-Miyazaki, Eli Jones, Carter Griffin, Brice Bogan, Forrest Rowe. Evelyn Potter and Miles Sturm are not pictured. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Antioch School older group students can now spell one of the longest words in the English language — supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. And they can sing it, too.

  • Johnson teaches power of the stars

    Local astrologer Jennifer Johnson will give a free introduction to astrology on Saturday, May 12 at 2 p.m. at the Yellow Springs Library. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Understanding the energy between the planets and how they affect us can help us to live more positive lives. That is Jennifer Johnson’s belief, and the reason she got interested in astrology 20 years ago.

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