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  • Treesa Liming

    Treesa Madellan Van Buren Liming died peacefully at home in Santa Fe, NM on Aug. 18. She was 91. Born March 13, 1921 in Evanston, Ill., Treesa lived most of her life in Yellow Springs, Worthington and Springfield, Ohio, before moving to Santa Fe in 1999. Treesa was the daughter of Rev. Vernon Van Buren, […]

  • James Westlake

    James M. Westlake died Saturday, Sept. 1, at Kendal at Granville. He was 84. Jim was born Nov. 17, 1927 in Chandler, Ohio to the late U.S. Air Force Chaplain, MacDonald Hopkins and Frances Ruth (VanSchoick) Westlake. Jim was a graduate and football co-captain of Rainelle High School in West Virginia. As a result of […]

  • Council urged to address ash infestation

    The Emerald Ash Borer has arrived in Yellow Springs, and ash trees are dying. But just standing by as they die is not the only option, according to biologist Don Cipollini, who spoke to Village Council at Council’s Aug. 20 meeting.

  • Lawson gardens are still at risk

    Marilyn Van Eaton weeds a large area of perennial plants that she tends in front of her Lawson Place residence. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Marilyn Van Eaton began seeding a garden at her Lawson Place public housing unit 17 years ago. When she learned in June that the local housing authority would tear out most of her garden, she was stunned and saddened.

  • Barr property housing plans dissolve

    Buckeye Community Hope Foundation this week released its option to purchase the Barr property on the corner of Xenia Avenue and Limestone Street.

  • Zoning code update focus of meeting tonight

    A special meeting between Village Council and the Planning Commission on the recently revised zoning code will take place tonight, Sept. 6, at 6 p.m. at Village Council chambers.

  • New leadership at local credit union

    YS Federal Credit Union’s chief operating officer stepped into the role of its lead executive last month.

  • Villagers to protest garden removal

    Marilyn Van Eaton weeds a large area of perennial plants that she tends in front of her Lawson Place residence. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    After two months of attempted negotiation with Greene Metropolitan Housing Authority, the residents of Lawson Place are scheduled to lose their gardens on Monday, Oct. 1. To protest the removal of these gardens, a group of villagers is planning a rally and march on Sunday, Sept. 9

  • BLOG—Rain Barrels

    A camouflaged rain barrel on Cliff Street. (photos by Suzanne Ehalt)

    The nooks and crannies throughout the Village that often get overlooked. Today’s blog showcases different rain barrels around the neighborhoods, in high hopes they would be filled with rain!

  • Golf team tees off for the season

    In its second round of golf this season, the YSHS co-ed golf team took on visiting Dayton Christian, Emmanuel Christian and Xenia Christian at its home course.

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