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  • BLOG-Happy Birthday Pie

    This week we gathered around our youngest to sing out Happy Birthday. He soaked in the attention and asked for a slice of pie.

  • Local hen houses focus of TLT benefit

    Tour de Coops, a bicycyle and walking tour of local backyard poultry efforts, is planned Sunday, June 8, as a benefit for Tecumseh Land Trust.
    A dozen Yellow Springs-area homes and enterprises will open their hen houses to visitors for the afternoon. Site maps and parking will be available at Antioch University Midwest.

  • Planning Commission Meeting Agenda

    Monday, June 9, 2014

  • Kelli Weaver-Miner

    Kelli Weaver-Miner

    Kelli Weaver-Miner, age 44, of Champaign, Ill., passed away in Columbus, Ohio, on Sunday, May 2.

  • William Edwards Alexander

    Bill Williams Alexander

    William Edward Alexander Sr., long-time resident of Yellow Springs, died in Louisville, Ky. on May 12.

  • New sandwich and pizza cafe opens

    The village’s newest restaurant is now open. Aleta’s Café, at the Oten Gallery, 303 Xenia Ave., serves hot Panini sandwiches, pizzas made with Naan bread and salads for lunch and dinner seven days a week.

  • An Ordinance Amending Section 1048.05 – Regarding Seasonal Rates for Sewer Services for Residents Whose Water Use During Summer Months is Greater Than Usual Due to Gardening or Lawn Watering.

    ORDINANCE NO. 2014-13

  • A risky, comic ‘Joan D’Arc’

    Charlotte Walkey, left, gave an impassioned monologue as Joan of Arc during a rehearsal for “D’Arc Comedy,” a play that opens at the Antioch Amphitheatre at 8 p.m. Saturday, May 31. Behind Joan, looking on unimpressed by her speech, are the saints of her visions, St. Michael (Thor Sage), St. Catherine (Miriam Eckenrode-Saari) and St. Margaret (Ali Thomas). “D’Arc Comedy” is the first production of the new Yellow Springs Theater Company. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Starving in a prison cell in France awaiting trial for heresy, the 15th century teenage heroine Joan of Arc had little to laugh about.

    But add comedic banter between the saints in her visions, a puppet show reenacting the entire 100 Years War between France and England, and the high drama of a modern cable television talk show, “Saint Chat,” and suddenly a story that ends with a burning at the stake may seem funny.

  • Parent help in digital world

    Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube.

    Social media — digital formats that promote virtual interactions — have become a ubiquitous part of our children’s lives

  • Village tackles water system

    One of the filters at the Village drinking water plant failed last month. The malfunction is being repaired at a minor cost to the Village. And while the Village asks that residents continue to conserve water where possible (minimizing lawn watering), the facility’s two other filters are keeping up with demand.

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