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  • Village Council Meeting Agenda

    Monday, Sept. 15, 2014, 7 p.m.

  • Robert Phillips

    Robert J. Phillips, of Yellow Springs, passed away at Springfield Regional Medical Center on Sept. 3. He was 90. Robert was born on Oct. 31, 1923, to the late John and Mary (Linson) Phillips in Springfield. He was a graduate of Bryan High School, in Yellow Springs, in 1941. Soon after graduation, he began working […]

  • Bubbles carried the day

    Downtown was effervescent on Saturday during the second annual Bubble Fest.

  • Cyclops returns for fourth year

    The festival named after a primordial one-eyed giant returns this year promising even better handmade crafts, tastier food and more fun.

  • Adoff to read at Antioch College’s Local Writers Series

    Nationally celebrated poet and children's author Arnold Adoff will be reading from his latest award-winning collection, Roots and Blues: A Celebration, at Antioch College's Local Writers Series on September 11.

    Nationally celebrated poet and children’s author Arnold Adoff will be reading at Antioch College’s Local Writers Series on September 11, 2014 at Antioch’s Coretta Scott King Center at 7 p.m.

  • VIDEO — Yellow Springs Community Foundation celebrates ecology

    This year, the YS Community Foundation celebrates 40 years of contributions to the village’s many nonprofit endeavors. As part of that celebration, the foundation, with the cooperation of WYSO, is producing a series of five sound and slide pieces detailing some of its most important work in the village.

  • Is the village’s hard water healthier?

    This week’s News examined the health impacts of drinking hard water. Read more from an expert about the potential dangers of hard water.

  • BLOG-Gaga for Wellness Center

    We’re all set for today’s Grand Opening of The Wellness Center at Antioch College. Bathing suit, check! Sneakers, check! Family fun, double check!!

  • Grand opening for Wellness Center

    The grand opening for the Antioch College Wellness Center takes place this Saturday, Sept. 6, from noon to 4 p.m.

  • Public Meetings

    Village Of Yellow Springs

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