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  • Bulldog Sports Round-Up

    Tennis sweeps opponent 5–0; Baseball takes early leads; Girls drop doubleheader; Track and Field YSHS teams finish fourth, fifth; McKinney opens with a bang

  • Women’s voices out loud

    Irene Bedard performing a spoken word piece. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    More than 20 local women sang, danced, told stories and read poems at the 36th Annual Women’s Voices Out Loud performance on Saturday. This year’s event was held at the Foundry Theater, its third location in as many years, and also featured an exhibit of artwork by local women.

  • Village Council— Landlords held responsible for utilities

    Village Council members unanimously supported a proposed change in Village policy that makes property owners responsible for their tenants’ utility debts.

  • 2015 Gaunt Park Pool Passes and Schedule

    Village of Yellow Springs

  • Fiber Forum: Municipal Broadband Network

    Fiber Forum: Municipal Broadband Network

  • Council and Trustees meet— Strategic planning considered

    At a special joint meeting between Village Council and the Miami Township Trustees on March 30, leaders discussed how best to step up strategic planning for the Village and Township, in order to coordinate initiatives to reflect local values and goals.

  • Ohio approves school testing waiver

    Yellow Springs High School sophomores spent a solid week in March taking the Ohio Graduation Test. Last week the the Yellow Springs district received state permission to waive over 50 percent of standardized tests for grades K–12 over the next five years. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Yellow Springs public school students are one big step closer to taking significantly fewer standardized tests next school year, as the state of Ohio approved the district’s assessment waiver application last week.

  • High-speed internet discussed as Village utility

    Tim Barhorst, left, chair of the Springs-Net nonprofit and Thor Sage of the Miami Valley Educational Computer Association, or MVECA, are among the organizers of the Fiber Forum, to take place Saturday, April 25, beginning at 9 a.m. at MVECA on East Enon Road. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    Internet access has become a utility, say community members who are urging Village leaders to construct a fiber optic network that would provide high-speed Internet access for the entire town.

  • Village Council Meeting Agenda

    Monday, April 20, 2015, 7 p.m.

  • Protecting kids from Internet danger

    Dr. Jennie Noll of Penn State University’s Network on Child Protection and Wellbeing will speak on the dangers of Internet-initiated abuse and ways parents can help their kids stay safe online at a free talk 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 15, at the Antioch College Wellness Center South Gym. (Submitted Photo)

    Professor and researcher Dr. Jennie Noll will address issues of Internet safety for children at a free talk 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 15, at the Antioch College Wellness Center South Gym.

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