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  • BLOG-Source and Sound

    Look inside and really listen.

  • Sanders to discuss East Gym mural

    The YS Historical Society will sponsor a talk by Antioch College archivist Scott Sanders on Sunday, July 31, 2 p.m., in the Senior Center great room. The talk will concern the history of the mural in the East Gym of the Antioch College Wellness Center, which was painted by social realist painter and muralist Gilbert Wilson.

  • YARN REGISTRY – I am a professional indexer. I write the indexes in the backs of books.

    “If you go to a history book and you just want to read about the Gettysburg Address, go to the index and look up “Gettysburg Address.” That’s what an index is. I make that. I read the book and pull out the things that go into the index, and I write the index.”

  • Your Village Needs You!

    Arts & Culture Commission

  • Antioch University considers building sale

    As part of cost-cutting efforts, Antioch University leaders are looking into the best ways to make use of AU’s physical facilities on their five regional campuses.

  • Council OKs CBE land timeline

    Village Council hopes to move ahead soon with extending infrastructure to the property formerly intended for the Center for Business and Education, or CBE, in order to make the land more attractive for development.

  • Friends Music Campers make music for Glen

    Friends Music Camp campers marched through town to promote their annual concert in 2014. This year’s concert is Saturday, July 30, at 7:30 p.m. in the Antioch College Foundry Theater. (News archive photo by Matt Minde)

    A couple of busloads of young campers and adult staff from Friends Music Camp are set to arrive in town Saturday, July 30, for the camp’s annual concert to benefit Glen Helen.

  • Public Meetings

    Village of Yellow Springs

  • Living, learning in the real world

    Alexandra Scott, known in Yellow Springs as Alex, posed outside the Spirited Goat on a recent afternoon. The Dayton Street coffeehouse is one of her favorite village haunts. A poet, activist and events coordinator extraordinaire, Scott moved here in 2012 and has gradually made the village her home. (Photo by audrey Hackett)

    Meet Alexandra Scott: event planner, poet, activist, coffeehouse lover, future entrepreneur, villager.

  • Elizabeth ‘Mickey’ Harwood

    Elizabeth "Mickey" Harwood

    Elizabeth Harwood died late Saturday night, July 16, 2016, in Springfield, Ohio, following a battle against cancer. She was 82 years old.

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